2024 Gazi University protests

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2024 Gazi University protests
Date3 May 2024
Caused byTurkish nationalists provoked by Arabic chants
Resulted inTurkish security disperse the riot


Pro-Palestine protestors

  • Gazi University students
  • Ankara Palestine Solidarity Platform
Lead figures

No centralized leadership

No centralized leadership

The 2024 Gazi University protests were a protest for Palestine which had turned into a riot between Palestine supporters and Turkish nationalists at Gazi University in Ankara, Turkey.


On Friday, May 3, 2024, a group of students at Gazi University prayed Friday prayers together and set up rallies as part of the 2024 pro-Palestinian university protests. Turkish and Palestinian flags were flown. Many professors and other students attended the rally, where speeches in Turkish, Arabic, and English were made. [1] A group of Turkish nationalists had also hosted a rally nearby commemorating Turkism Day. The Pro-Palestinians later began shouting slogans in Arabic, and takbirs, which provoked the Turkish nationalists into intruding the university and assaulting the students while shouting "how happy is the one who says I am a Turk". [2] [3] Security had to intervene and escort the Pro-Palestinians to safety inside the university. [4] Most of the attackers were described as Victory Party members and other Kemalists. [5] [3] Some MHP Grey Wolves and other Idealists were present, where they gave the university students a chance to stop the Arabic chanting, before joining the assaults after the students refused. [6] The attackers referred to themselves as "Turkists" and "nationalists", and did not specify any political affiliation. [7] After the attacks, members of the "Ankara Palestine Solidarity Platform" protested outside the university and demanded justice. [2]

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