Change of fiber

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In algebraic topology, given a fibration p:EB, the change of fiber is a map between the fibers induced by paths in B.

In topology, a branch of mathematics, a fibration is a generalization of the notion of a fiber bundle. A fiber bundle makes precise the idea of one topological space being "parameterized" by another topological space. A fibration is like a fiber bundle, except that the fibers need not be the same space, nor even homeomorphic; rather, they are just homotopy equivalent. Weak fibrations discard even this equivalence for a more technical property.


Since a covering is a fibration, the construction generalizes the corresponding facts in the theory of covering spaces.

Covering space type of continuous map in topology

In mathematics, more specifically algebraic topology, a covering map is a continuous function p from a topological space C to a topological space X such that each point in X has an open neighbourhood evenly covered by p ; the precise definition is given below. In this case, C is called a covering space and X the base space of the covering projection. The definition implies that every covering map is a local homeomorphism.


If β is a path in B that starts at, say, b, then we have the homotopy where the first map is a projection. Since p is a fibration, by the homotopy lifting property, h lifts to a homotopy with . We have:

In mathematics, in particular in homotopy theory within algebraic topology, the homotopy lifting property is a technical condition on a continuous function from a topological space E to another one, B. It is designed to support the picture of E "above" B by allowing a homotopy taking place in B to be moved "upstairs" to E.


(There might be an ambiguity and so need not be well-defined.)

Let denote the set of path classes in B. We claim that the construction determines the map:

the set of homotopy classes of maps.

Suppose β, β' are in the same path class; thus, there is a homotopy h from β to β'. Let


Drawing a picture, there is a homeomorphism that restricts to a homeomorphism . Let be such that , and .

Then, by the homotopy lifting property, we can lift the homotopy to w such that w restricts to . In particular, we have , establishing the claim.

It is clear from the construction that the map is a homomorphism: if ,

where is the constant path at b. It follows that has inverse. Hence, we can actually say:

the set of homotopy classes of homotopy equivalences.

Also, we have: for each b in B,

{ [ƒ] | homotopy equivalence }

which is a group homomorphism (the right-hand side is clearly a group.) In other words, the fundamental group of B at b acts on the fiber over b, up to homotopy. This fact is a useful substitute for the absence of the structure group.


One consequence of the construction is the below:

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This is a glossary of properties and concepts in algebraic topology in mathematics.

In algebraic topology, a fiber-homotopy equivalence is a map over a space B that has homotopy inverse over B It is a relative analog of a homotopy equivalence between spaces.

In algebraic topology, the path space fibration over a based space is a fibration of the form
