
Last updated

Scientific classification

Type species
Chondrosum procumbens
(P.Durand) Desv.
Synonyms [1] [2]
  • ErucariaCerv. 1870. illegitimate homonym not Gaertn. 1791 (Brassicaceae)
  • ActinochloaWilld. ex Roem. & Schult.
  • Bouteloua sect. Chondrosum(Desv.) Benth. & Hook. f.
  • Bouteloua subgen. Chondrosum(Desv.) A. Gray
  • Bouteloua subgen. Chondrosum(Desv.) Gould

Chondrosum is a genus of North American and South American plants in the grass family. [3] [4]

Chondrosum is closely related to Bouteloua and considered part of that genus in some publications. [2]

Species [1] [5] [6] [7]
formerly included [1]

species now considered better suited to other genera: Bouteloua Chloris

See also

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  1. 1 2 3 Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  2. 1 2 Tropicos, Chondrosum Desv.
  3. Desvaux, Nicaise Augustin. 1810. Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences, publié par la Société Philomatique de Paris 2: 188
  4. Clayton, W. D. 1982. Notes on subfamily Chloridoideae (Gramineae). Kew Bulletin 37(3): 417–420
  5. The Plant List search for Chondrosum
  6. Pohl, R. W. 1994. 99. Chondrosum Desv. 6: 292–293. In G. Davidse, M. Sousa Sánchez & A.O. Chater (eds.) Fl. Mesoamer.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, D.F.
  7. Biota of North America Program 2013 county distribution maps, genus Bouteloua