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The DYMO routing protocol is successor to the popular Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing protocol and shares many of its benefits. It is, however, slightly easier to implement and designed with future enhancements in mind.

DYMO can work as both a pro-active and as a reactive routing protocol, i.e. routes can be discovered just when they are needed. In any way, to discover new routes the following two steps take place:

  1. A special "Route Request" (RREQ) messages is broadcast through the MANET. Each RREQ keeps an ordered list of all nodes it passed through, so every host receiving an RREQ message can immediately record a route back to the origin of this message.
  2. When an RREQ message arrives at its destination, a "Routing Reply" (RREP) message will immediately be passed back to the origin, indicating that a route to the destination was found. On its way back to the source, an RREP message can simply backtrace the way the RREQ message took and simultaneously allow all hosts it passes to record a complementary route back to where it came from.

So as soon as the RREP message reaches its destination, a two-way route was successfully recorded by all intermediate hosts, and exchange of data packets can commence.


+-----------+       +-----------+ |   Carol   |-------|    Dave   | +-----------+       +-----------+       |                   |       |                   |       |                   | +-----------+       +-----------+ |   Alice   |       |    Bob    | +-----------+       +-----------+

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