Geoffrey W. Bromiley

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ISBN 978-0-8028-1797-6
  • God and Marriage, 1980, Eerdmans, ISBN   978-0-8028-1851-5
  • Historical Theology: An Introduction, 2000, T & T Clark, ISBN   978-0-567-22357-9
  • Introduction to the Theology of Karl Barth, 2000, T & T Clark, ISBN   978-0-567-29054-0
  • Bromiley also co-edited the English translation of Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics series with T. F. Torrance.

    Bromiley was also a contributor to the fully revised edition of International Standard Bible Encyclopedia . Eerdmans. 1979. ISBN   0-8028-3781-6.

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    1. "Geoffrey W. Bromiley". LibraryThing. Retrieved 12 November 2023.
    2. 1 2 "Fuller Mourns the Loss of Geoffrey Bromiley". Archived from the original on 11 May 2010. Retrieved 1 April 2010.
    3. 1 2 Jones, Allan. "Lillian Bromiley". Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity. Retrieved 11 November 2023.
    4. "University News", The Times, 22 June 1936, p. 21.
    5. 1 2 3 4 5 Bradley, James E. "Geoffrey W. Bromiley 1915-2009". Society of Biblical Literature. Retrieved 11 November 2023.

    Online writings

    Geoffrey W. Bromiley
    Born7 March 1915
    Bromley Cross, Lancashire, England
    Died7 August 2009(2009-08-07) (aged 94)
    Santa Barbara, California, United States
    Academic background
    Alma mater Emmanuel College, Cambridge
    University of Edinburgh