Gevherhan Sultan (daughter of Selim I)

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Gevherhan Sultan
Trabzon, Ottoman Empire
Died Istanbul, Ottoman Empire
    İsfendiyaroğlu Mehmet Pasha
    (m. 1509;died 1514)

    ¿Saadet I Giray?
Dynasty Ottoman
Father Selim I
Religion Islam

Gevherhan Sultan was the daughter of Sultan Selim I. Her name meaning "gem of the Khan".


First marriage

She was born in 1494 about. Identity of her mother is unknown. Her grandfather Bayezid II married her in 1509 to her cousin Sultanzade İsfendiyaroğlu Mehmet Pasha, who was son of his daughter Fatma, and he was governor of Balıkesir Province. Marriage lasted until 1514, when Mehmed Pasha was killed in the battle of Chaldiran.

Later life

There are numerous allegations that Sadet Giray was a faithful supporter of Selim I, who also took part in quelling the revolts in Anatolia in 1511, after which he stayed with Selim and remained in the capital. After some time during his reign, he became his son-in-law, marrying one of his daughters. [1] [2] There is a possibility that Gevherhan may be the daughter who was married to Saadet Giray, since they were the same age, and her further fate after the death of her first husband is unknown, which opens the possibility that she is the daughter of Selim I who was married to him. However, there are other daughters of Selim whose life is not fully known, so it may be one of them who married Prince Giray. If it is true that she was married to Sadet Giray, she had a son with him, Ahmed, who died in 1537. It is not known when she died or where she was buried.

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  1. Gayworonsky.Lords of Two Continents, Volume 1, Kiev-Bakhchisaray, 2007 p. 96
  2. Zaytsev, Ilya (2006), "The Structure of the Giray Dynasty (15th-16th centuries): Matrimonial and Kinship Relations of the Crimean Khans", Kinship in the Altaic World: Proceedings of the 48th Permanent International Altaistic Conference, Moscow 10-15 July 2005, Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, p. 341, ISBN 3447054166, Only two instances concerning the Ottomans are noted. Ayshe (daughter of Mengli-Giray I) was married to şehzade and governor of Kefe Mehmed, and to his brother Selim I later on (917/1511). Sultan Selim's daughter was married to Saadet-Giray.