Graphical timeline of the universe

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This more-than-20-billion-year timeline of our universe shows the best estimates of major events from the universe's beginning to anticipated future events. Zero on the scale is the present day. A large step on the scale is one billion years; a small step, one hundred million years. The past is denoted by a minus sign: e.g., the oldest rock on Earth was formed about four billion years ago and this is marked at -4e+09 years, where 4e+09 represents 4 times 10 to the power of 9. The "Big Bang" event most likely happened 13.8 billion years ago; see age of the universe.


Graphical timeline of the Big BangPre-noachianNoachianHesperianAmazonian (Mars)Geology of Mars#Mineralogical timelineGraphical timeline of the Stelliferous EraSiderianRhyacianOrosirianStatherianCalymmianEctasianStenianTonianEdiacaranPeriods:ChaotianZirconianEoarcheanPaleoarcheanMesoarcheanNeoarcheanPaleoproterozoicMesoproterozoicNeoproterozoicPaleozoicMesozoicCenozoicEra (geology)HadeanArcheanProterozoicPhanerozoicEon (geology)Geological time scaleFormation and evolution of the Solar System#The Sun and planetary environmentsLife on MarsFormation and evolution of the Solar System#The Sun and planetary environmentsPrecambrianTitan (moon)#Prebiotic conditions and lifeTerraforming#ParaterraformingSolar shadeOrigin of lifeFormation and evolution of the Solar System#Asteroid beltWhite dwarfAsymptotic giant branchHorizontal branchFormation and evolution of the Solar System#The Sun and planetary environmentsRed giantMain sequenceProtostarElliptical galaxyMilky Way#EnvironmentAndromeda-Milky Way collisionFormation and evolution of the Solar System#Planetary migrationNeptuneFormation and evolution of the Solar System#Late Heavy Bombardment and afterFormation and evolution of the Solar System#Terrestrial planetsMilky Way#AgeBlack dwarfFormation and evolution of the Solar System#The Sun and planetary environmentsPlanetary nebulaHelium flashFormation and evolution of the Solar System#The Sun and planetary environmentsFormation and evolution of the Solar System#Long-term stabilityFormation and evolution of the Solar System#Moon–ring systemsFuture of the Earth#Red giant stageFuture of the Earth#Loss of oceansFuture of the Earth#Climate impactFormation and evolution of the Solar System#The Sun and planetary environmentsPortal:Current eventsMammalsMulticellular lifeAcasta GneissZircon#Radiometric datingEarthGeological time scaleSun#Life cycleFormation and evolution of the Solar System#Presolar nebulaFormation and evolution of the Solar System#Formation of planetsFormation and evolution of the Solar System#FormationSupernovaDark-energy-dominated eraMatter-dominated eraPopulation I starsGalaxy formation and evolutionList of oldest starsDark AgesReionizationBig BangChronology of the universe#Habitable epochGraphical timeline of the universe

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Big Bang</span> Physical theory

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A logarithmic timeline is a timeline laid out according to a logarithmic scale. This necessarily implies a zero point and an infinity point, neither of which can be displayed. The most natural zero point is the Big Bang, looking forward, but the most common is the ever-changing present, looking backward.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Age of the universe</span> Time elapsed since the Big Bang

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This is the timeline of the Stelliferous era but also partly charts the Primordial era, and charts more of the Degenerate era of the heat death scenario.

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z8_GND_5296 Dwarf galaxy

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