Hill Shim

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According to the Book of Mormon, the hill Shim was in the Land of Antum and the location where Ammaron deposited the plates containing what was to become part of the Book of Mormon (see Mormon 1:3). The prophet Mormon later retrieved these plates from the hill (see Mormon 4:23).

Book of Mormon Sacred text of the Latter Day Saint movement

The Book of Mormon is a sacred text of the Latter Day Saint movement, which adherents believe contains writings of ancient prophets who lived on the American continent from approximately 2200 BC to AD 421. It was first published in March 1830 by Joseph Smith as The Book of Mormon: An Account Written by the Hand of Mormon upon Plates Taken from the Plates of Nephi.

According to The Book of Mormon, the land of Antum was in the land Northward and was near the city of Jashon. The prophet Ammaron deposited all the sacred engravings of his people in the Hill Shim which was located in the land of Antum. This verse is the only place in the book where the land Antum is mentioned by name, but it is implied in two other verses in Mormon's record. In Mormon 2:17, Mormon reports that he followed the instructions of Ammaron and took up the plates of Nephi from the hill Shim, which was in the land Antum, and made a record of the things he observed concerning his people, the Nephites. In Mormon 4:23, because of the imminent Lamanite incursion, Mormon returned to the hill and took up all the records that Ammaron had hidden there.

Moroni, the son of Mormon, tells in the Book of Ether (a book in the Book of Mormon) that the Jaredite king Omer passed by the hill of Shim with his family on his way to Ablom (see Ether 9:3). Also implied in the same verse is that the hill was near where the Nephites were destroyed.

Moroni (Book of Mormon prophet) person in the Book of Mormon; last Nephite prophet; according to Mormon teachings, appeared to Joseph Smith as an angel

Moroni, according to the Book of Mormon, was the last Nephite prophet, historian, and military commander who lived in the Americas in the late fourth and early fifth centuries. He is later known as the Angel Moroni, who presented the golden plates to Joseph Smith, who translated the plates upon which the Book of Mormon was originally written.

The Book of Ether is one of the books of the Book of Mormon. It describes the Jaredites, descendants of Jared and his companions, who were led by God to the Americas shortly after the confusion of tongues and the destruction of the Tower of Babel. Ether consists of fifteen chapters.

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