Jean Metellus

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Jean Metellus
Born(1937-04-30)30 April 1937
Jacmel, Haiti
Died4 January 2014(2014-01-04) (aged 76)

Jean Metellus (30 April 1937 - 4 January 2014) was a Haitian neurologist, poet, novelist and playwright.


Life and career

Jean Metellus was born in Jacmel, Haiti. After completing his education in Haiti, he worked as a teacher. In 1959 he moved to Paris to escape the Duvalier dictatorship, where he studied linguistics and medicine, specializing in neurology. In 1973 the magazine Les Lettres Nouvelles published his poem "Au pipirite chantant," beginning his career as a poet and writer. Some of Metellus's early poems were also published by Jean-Paul Sartre in his Les Temps Modernes . Metellus' plays include Anacaona, which was produced in Paris at the Thèâtre National de Chaillot by Antoine Vitez. [1] [2]

Metellus published several novels, books of poetry and plays. [3] In 2019, Haun Saussy translated a collection of Metellus's poetry titled When the Pipirite Sings: Selected Poems, which was published by Northwestern University Press. [4] Metellus dedicated his books to his wife, Anne-Marie Cercelet-Métellus.

He died on January 4, 2014. [5]

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  1. Taleb-Khyar, Mohamed B. (1992). "Jean Metellus". Callaloo. 15 (2): 338–341. doi:10.2307/2931230. JSTOR   2931230.
  2. Meyer-Dinkgräfe, Daniel (2002), Who's who in contemporary world theatre, p. 146
  3. Prevallet, Kristin, ed. (2004). ""Fire" and "Language"". BOMB Magazine. 2004 (90): 104.
  4. Staff Writer. "When the Pipirite Sings". Northwestern University Press. Retrieved 30 July 2019.
  5. "Jean Métellus s'est éteint". Parole en Archipel. Archived from the original on 2014-01-09.