Kelman's source characteristics

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Kelman's source characteristics identify three characteristics of successful marketing communications sources:

Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is the business process of creating relationships with and satisfying customers. With its focus on the customer, marketing is one of the premier components of business management.

  1. source credibility
  2. source attractiveness
  3. source power.

Source attractiveness

An attractive source is one that the receiver can identify with, or aspire to. The message from such as source is identified with by the receiver; e.g. "slice of life" advertising, for products such as washing powder, regularly feature actors in situations that are intended to reflect the lives of the target segment.

Advertising form of communication for marketing, typically paid for

Advertising is a marketing communication that employs an openly sponsored, non-personal message to promote or sell a product, service or idea. Sponsors of advertising are typically businesses wishing to promote their products or services. Advertising is differentiated from public relations in that an advertiser pays for and has control over the message. It differs from personal selling in that the message is non-personal, i.e., not directed to a particular individual. Advertising is communicated through various mass media, including traditional media such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, outdoor advertising or direct mail; and new media such as search results, blogs, social media, websites or text messages. The actual presentation of the message in a medium is referred to as an advertisement, or "ad" or advert for short.

Source power

A powerful source is intended to bring about compliance in the receiver. An example would be a police officer giving an anti-drink drive message.

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