List of Water Skiing Under-14 European Champions

Last updated

List of Water Ski European Championships champions Under-14.


Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Mario Savoini

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Mario Savoini

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Mario Savoini

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Mario Savoini

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Philippa Roberts

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Fanny Meijer

Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands

Terry Van der Merwe

Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa

Fanny Meijer

Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands


Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

Odd Brådhe

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

Patrice Martin

Flag of France.svg  France

Pedro Tunchs

Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

Patrice Martin

Flag of France.svg  France

Flag of France.svg  France
Philippa Roberts

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Terry Van der merwe

Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa

Philippa Roberts

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Philippa Roberts

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom


Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Achim Hartung

Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark

Patrice Martin

Flag of France.svg  France

Pedro Tunsch

Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

Pierre Carmin

Flag of France.svg  France

Flag of France.svg  France
Terry Van der merwe

Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa

Terry Van der merwe

Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa

Terry Van der merwe

Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa

Terry Van der merwe

Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa


Flag of Finland.svg  Finland

Simon Roberts

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Patrice Martin

Flag of France.svg  France

Pedro Tunsch

Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

Simon Roberts

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Flag of France.svg  France
Lydie Herbert

Flag of France.svg  France

Natalia Rumjantseva

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Sonia Truzzi

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Natalia Rumjantseva

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union


Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Yugoslavia

Michael Kjellander

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

Michael Kjellander

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

Michael Kjellander

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

Michael Kjellander

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden


Flag of France.svg  France

Olga Goubarenko

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Natalia Rumjantseva

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Natalia Rumjantseva

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Natalia Rumjantseva

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

1980Ricardo Sans

Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

P. Alboretto

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Gennadi Vazhnik

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

J.E. Fruediger

Flag of Switzerland.svg   Switzerland

I. Le Gall

Flag of France.svg  France


Flag of France.svg  France

Helena Kjellander

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

Helena Kjellander

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

Helena Kjellander

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

Helena Kjellander

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

1981Lago Arancio

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Stanislav Kornev

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Stanislav Kornev

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Francois Breney

Flag of Switzerland.svg   Switzerland

Stanislav Kornev

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Helena Kjellander

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

Elena Mazovka

Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa

Jane Bubear

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Helena Kjellander

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden


Flag of France.svg  France

Clindt Stadlbaur

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

Stanislav Kornev

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Neil Staples

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Stanislav Kornev

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Helena Kjellander

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

Nicola Rasey

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Helena Kjellander

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

Helena Kjellander

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden


Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Luc Seigneur

Flag of France.svg  France

Aymerie Bennet

Flag of France.svg  France

Neil Staples

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

N/aFlag of France.svg  France
Claudia Gusenbauer

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Odile Flubacker

Flag of France.svg  France

Lise Karlsson

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden


Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

Brett Hodgkins

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Lionel Verrue

Flag of France.svg  France

Brett Hodgkins

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Brett Hodgkins

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Barbara Gattone

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Svetlana Kobjalko

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Anahi Arbraizar

Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

Svetlana Kobjalko

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

1985Eau d’Heure

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

Brett Hodgkins

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Patrizio Buzzotta

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Brett Hodgkins

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Brett Hodgkins

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Flag of France.svg  France
Frederique Savin

Flag of France.svg  France

Julia Gromyko

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Elisabeth Haugen

Flag of Norway.svg  Norway

Frederique Savin

Flag of France.svg  France

1986Lago Arancio

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Patrizio Buzzotta

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Patrizio Buzzotta

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Michael Wienerroither

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Patrizio Buzzotta

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Flag of France.svg  France
Federique Savin

Flag of France.svg  France

Federique Savin

Flag of France.svg  France

Svetlana Kobialko

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Julia Gromyko

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

1987Hazelwood, Lincoln

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Lukas Jezler

Flag of Switzerland.svg   Switzerland

Aymeric Benet

Flag of France.svg  France

Jimmy Westlund

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

Jimmy Westlund

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

Flag of France.svg  France
Julia Gromiko

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Frederique Savin

Flag of France.svg  France

Julia Gromiko

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Julia Gromiko

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union


Flag of Norway.svg  Norway

Ivan Morros

Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

Eric Dureux

Flag of France.svg  France

Stephan Tunsch

Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

Ivan Morros

Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus
Geraldine Jamin

Flag of France.svg  France

Temenusjka Petrova

Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria

Natalia Anissimova

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Temenusjka Petrova

Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria


Flag of Greece.svg  Greece

Jason Seels

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Oleg Kulesh

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Alexey Shatalin

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Oleg Kulesh

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Michela Grazioli

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Ludmila Samarkina

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Natalia Anisimova

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Natalia Anisimova

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union


Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands

Eric Dureux

Flag of France.svg  France

Alessandro Giubbilei

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Nickolai Dobrovolskij

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Eric Dureux

Flag of France.svg  France

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Geraldine Fleurie

Flag of France.svg  France

Olga Kohan

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Olga Kohan

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Olga Kohan

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union


Flag of France.svg  France

Nick Boettcher

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Julian Heaney

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Guillaume Pomes

Flag of France.svg  France

Julian Heaney

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Geraldine Fleurie

Flag of France.svg  France

Vanessa Gusmeroli

Flag of France.svg  France

Stavroula Zarlakouti

Flag of Greece.svg  Greece

Petra Stehnova

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia


Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

George Hatzis

Flag of Greece.svg  Greece

Angelo Pisano

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Guillaumne Pomes

Flag of France.svg  France

Angelo Pisano

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Flag of France.svg  France
Sharon Van Oye

Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands

Sharon Van Oye

Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands

Esther Middelburg

Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands

Sharon Van Oye

Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands


Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Luca Mazza

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Marco Riva

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Luca Mazza

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Tom Asher

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Laura Castelli

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Julia Spiridonovich

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Julia Spiridonovich

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Laura Castelli

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy


Flag of France.svg  France

Jean Baptiste Faisy

Flag of France.svg  France

Marco Riva

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Tom Asher

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Tom Asher

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Flag of France.svg  France
Anais Amade

Flag of France.svg  France

Federica Primatesta

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Karine Jacquier

Flag of France.svg  France

Karine Jacquier

Flag of France.svg  France


Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Thomas Degasperi

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Patrick Julien Esnard

Flag of France.svg  France

Matthew Crowhurst

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Patrick Julien Esnard

Flag of France.svg  France

Flag of France.svg  France
Anais Amade

Flag of France.svg  France

Rachel Crosland

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Anais Amade

Flag of France.svg  France

Anais Amade

Flag of France.svg  France


Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

William Asher

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Patrick Julien Esnard

Flag of France.svg  France

Aurelien Naudinat

Flag of France.svg  France

Anthony Ahnine

Flag of France.svg  France

Flag of France.svg  France
Clementine Lucine

Flag of France.svg  France

Clementine Lucine

Flag of France.svg  France

Clementine Lucine

Flag of France.svg  France

Clementine Lucine

Flag of France.svg  France


Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Sean Bezuidenhout

Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa

Joffrey Malaquin

Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa

Julien Beaufils

Flag of France.svg  France

Joffrey Malaquin

Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa

Flag of France.svg  France
Julie Laure Coassin

Flag of France.svg  France

Joanna Berg

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Floriane Noel

Flag of France.svg  France

Flora Liakou

Flag of Greece.svg  Greece


Flag of France.svg  France

Abdulla Al Qassemi

Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates

Alexandre Bouillot

Flag of France.svg  France

Artem Kirilov

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Alexandre Bouillot

Flag of France.svg  France

Flag of France.svg  France
Nadine Botas

Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

Martina Zlatohlavkova

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Stephanie Ordelt

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Julie-laure Coassin

Flag of France.svg  France

1999Lake Stratos

Flag of Greece.svg  Greece

Quentin Lafosse

Flag of France.svg  France

Florent Reyre

Flag of France.svg  France

Quentin Lafosse

Flag of France.svg  France

Quentin Lafosse

Flag of France.svg  France

Flag of France.svg  France
Kate Adriaensen

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

Marion Burnier

Flag of France.svg  France

Marion Mathieu

Flag of France.svg  France

Marion Mathieu

Flag of France.svg  France


Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Marco Menestrina

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Zdenek Kolman

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Marco Menestrina

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Marco Menestrina

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus
Marion Burnier

Flag of France.svg  France

Maryia Veramchuk

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Marion Burnier

Flag of France.svg  France

Maryia Veramchuk

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus


Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Loic Ricaud

Flag of France.svg  France

Zdenek Kolman

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Adam Sedlmajer

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Adam Sedlmajer

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Flag of France.svg  France
Nicole Arthur

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Virginie Sourty

Flag of France.svg  France

Nancy Chardin

Flag of France.svg  France

Virginie Sourty

Flag of France.svg  France


Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

Matteo Luzzeri

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Zdenek Kolman

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Stephen Critchley

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Stephen Critchley

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Flag of France.svg  France
Nancy Chardin

Flag of France.svg  France

Manon Costard

Flag of France.svg  France

Nancy Chardin

Flag of France.svg  France

Nancy Chardin

Flag of France.svg  France


Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Herman Beliakou

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Herman Beliakou

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Bojan Schipner

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Herman Beliakou

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Flag of France.svg  France
Karina Serueeva

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Manon Costard

Flag of France.svg  France

Zuzana Vrablova

Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia

Karina Serueeva

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy


Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Mota Duarte Texeira

Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal

Martin Kolman

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Daniel Efverstrom

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

Thibaut Dailland

Flag of France.svg  France

Flag of France.svg  France
Aynaud Marion

Flag of France.svg  France

Cambray Iris

Flag of France.svg  France

Karina Sergeeva

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Karina Sergeeva

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy


Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

Sacha Descuns

Flag of France.svg  France

Mikhail Basinski

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Daniel Efverström

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Marek Mlynek

Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia

Flag of France.svg  France
Silvia Caruso

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Iris Cambray

Flag of France.svg  France

Manon Costard

Flag of France.svg  France

Manon Costard

Flag of France.svg  France


Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

Sacha Descuns

Flag of France.svg  France

Théo Fernandez

Flag of France.svg  France

Sacha Descuns

Flag of France.svg  France

Sacha Descuns

Flag of France.svg  France

Flag of France.svg  France
Katerina Tomanova

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Iris Cambray

Flag of France.svg  France

Chiara Gullotta

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Marie Robineau

Flag of France.svg  France


Flag of France.svg  France

Mathieu Boone

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

Aliaksandr Isayeu

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Christopher Wharton

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Patrik Jahoda

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Flag of France.svg  France
Iris Cambray

Flag of France.svg  France

Iris Cambray

Flag of France.svg  France

Hanna Straltsova

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Iris Cambray

Flag of France.svg  France


Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Dorian Llewellyn

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Andrei Karakulka

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Andreas Weichhart

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Brando Caruso

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus
Camille Poulain-Ferarios

Flag of France.svg  France

Laura Phily

Flag of France.svg  France

Hanna Straltsova

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Camille Poulain-Ferarios

Flag of France.svg  France


Flag of France.svg  France

Dorien Llewellyn

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Nikolaos Plytas

Flag of Greece.svg  Greece

Alessandro Paci

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Nikolaos Plytas

Flag of Greece.svg  Greece

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Charlotte Wharton

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Julie Deshayes

Flag of France.svg  France

Anna Cespivova

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Anna Cespivova

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic


Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Brando Caruso

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Tanguy Dailland

Flag of France.svg  France

Gianmarco Pajni

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Brando Caruso

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Anna Janin Grosset

Flag of France.svg  France

Katsiaryna Kisialiova

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Aliaksandra Danisheuskaya

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Katsiaryna Kisialiova

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus


Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

Benjamin Le Bozec

Flag of France.svg  France

Leo Anguenot

Flag of France.svg  France

Felix Blomqvist

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

Leo Anguenot

Flag of France.svg  France

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus
Alice Bagnoli

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Alice Bagnoli

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Aliaksandra Danisheuskaya

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Alice Bagnoli

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy


Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands

Felix Blomqvist

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

Danylo Fil'Chenko

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

Felix Blomqvist

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

Felix Blomqvist

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

Flag of France.svg  France
Laura Martin-Champetier

Flag of France.svg  France

Olga Ivlyushkina

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

Aliaksandra Taliaronak

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Constance Gerbouin

Flag of France.svg  France


Flag of France.svg  France

Joel Poland

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Alexander Samoilov

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

Egor Arefiev

Flag of Russia.svg  Russia

Joel Poland

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Flag of France.svg  France
Laura Martin-Champetier

Flag of France.svg  France

Olga Ivlyushkina

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

Olga Ivlyushkina

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

Olga Ivlyushkina

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine


Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

Grigoriy Suslov

Flag of Russia.svg  Russia

Lindsay Bordier

Flag of France.svg  France

Louis Duplan-Fribourg

Flag of France.svg  France

Louis Duplan-Fribourg

Flag of France.svg  France

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Beatrice Pirri

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Ksenia Kuzmenko

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

Sofia Maksimenkova

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

Sofia Maksimenkova

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine


Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Nicolas Rousselot

Flag of France.svg  France

Alexander Samoilov

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

Alexander Samoilov

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

Alexander Samoilov

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

Flag of France.svg  France
Adrija Runge

Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia

Sofia Maksimenkova

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

Sofia Maksimenkova

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

Sofia Maksimenkova

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine


Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Thomas Witczak

Flag of France.svg  France

Pol Duplan-Fribourg

Flag of France.svg  France

Pol Duplan-Fribourg

Flag of France.svg  France

Pol Duplan-Fribourg

Flag of France.svg  France

Flag of France.svg  France
Florentia Loizidou

Flag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus

Alena Parkhomenka

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Stanislava Prosvetova

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

Stanislava Prosvetova

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine


Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

Nikolaus Attensam

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Pol Duplan-Fribourg

Flag of France.svg  France

Pol Duplan-Fribourg

Flag of France.svg  France

Pol Duplan-Fribourg

Flag of France.svg  France

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus
Ibe Beckers

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

Ibe Beckers

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

Maryia Belskaya

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Maria Tsiutsiura

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine


Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

Nikolaus Attensam

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Alexandr Hrushko

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

Ilya Straltsou

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Vincenzo Marino

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus
Maryia Belskaya

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Sofya Hvozdzeva

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Maryia Belskaya

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Maryia Belskaya

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

2019 [1] Roquebrune-sur-Argens

Flag of France.svg  France

Damir Filaretov

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

Vincenzo Marino

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Tom Parkin

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Damir Filaretov

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Philippa Attensam

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Maria Tsiutsiura

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

Mariya Kozelskaya

Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus

Maria Tsiutsiura

Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine

See also

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International Waterski & Wakeboard Federation International sport governing body

The International Waterski & Wakeboard Federation (IWWF) is the world governing body for all towed water sports. Founded in Geneva, Switzerland in 1946, it is recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as the sole authority governing all towed water sports and has 91 affiliated member federations worldwide. The IWWF is also an affiliate member of the Global Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF) and is one of the seven founding sports of the World Games.They also have a YouTube channel too

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  1. "2019 IWWF E&A Youth Championships". IWWF Europe - Africa Confederation. Retrieved 31 August 2019.