List of songs recorded by Noisettes

Last updated

This is a list of songs by the band Noisettes, and what albums and singles they were released on.

Noisettes band

Noisettes are an English indie rock band from London, currently composed of singer and bassist Shingai Shoniwa and guitarist Dan Smith. The band first achieved commercial success and nationwide recognition with the second single of their second album, "Don't Upset the Rhythm " which reached number two on the UK Singles Chart in Spring 2009.

NameThree Moods of the NoisettesWhat's The Time Mini-Wolf?What's The Time Mr. Wolf?What's The Time Mr. Wolf? (Japanese version)Wild Young Heartssingles
"Don't Give Up"XXXX
"Monte Christo"X
"A Little Destruction "X
"Count of Monte Cristo"XXX
"Mind the Gap"XXX
"What Kind Of Model"X
"Wind Blows Hot" 3:38 Scratch Your Name
"Rifle Song" 3:56 Scratch Your Name
For All We Know Don't Give Up (Noisettes song)
HorsesSister Rosetta (Capture the Spirit)
ShameSister Rosetta (Capture the Spirit)