Master of Arts (Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin)

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In the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin, Bachelors of Arts (BAs) are promoted to the rank of Master of Arts (MA), typically upon application after three or four years after graduation. No further examination or study is required for this promotion, which is a mark of seniority rather than an additional postgraduate qualification. [1] [2] [3]


While these universities award postgraduate master's degrees that require further study and examination, they do not award the title 'MA' for any postgraduate degree. [4] This practice differs from that of most universities worldwide, where the MA reflects further postgraduate study. As a result, these degrees are often referred to as the Oxford and Cambridge MA and the Dublin or Trinity MA to distinguish them. [5] Similarly, in the ancient Scottish universities, the degree of Master of Arts is awarded as an undergraduate degree in certain subjects.

Upon promotion to MA, graduates no longer wear the academic dress or use the post-nominal letters associated with the Bachelor of Arts.


At Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin, a Bachelor of Arts graduate may "incept" as a Master of Arts after a certain period, without further examination or residence but sometimes upon payment of a fee.

There are other situations in which the MA may be awarded, such as to members of staff, but these are the most common. Specific regulations can be found in the statutes of the respective universities. [6] [8] [9]

In accordance with the formula of ad eundem gradum , a form of mutual recognition among the three universities, a graduate entitled to an MA degree from one institution may have the equivalent title conferred by one of the other two without further examination. [10] [11]

Post-nominal style

Masters of Arts of the three universities may use the post-nominal letters "MA". Although honours are sometimes awarded for the examinations leading to the BA degree, the style "MA (Hons)" is not used. The abbreviated name of the university (Oxon, Cantab or Dubl) is often appended in parentheses to the initials "MA" (e.g. "John Smith, MA (Cantab)), so that it is clear that these are nominal and unexamined titles. [1] [2] [3] Additionally, the BA degree is not shown alongside the MA award; only the MA should be used. [12]

If someone incorporates from one of the above universities to another, the Latin et can be inserted between the university names, e.g. "MA (Oxon et Cantab)", etc. as opposed to "MA (Oxon), MA (Cantab)" which would indicate that the holder graduated BA at both universities.[ citation needed ]

The Oxford University Gazette and University Calendar have, since 2007, used Oxf rather than Oxon (also Camb rather than Cantab and Dub rather than Dubl) to match the style used for other universities.

History and rationale

This system dates back to the Middle Ages when the study of the liberal arts typically took seven years. At that time, students often entered university at a much younger age than is common today, sometimes as young as 14 or 15. The basic university education comprised the Trivium (grammar, rhetoric, and dialectic) and the Quadrivium (geometry, arithmetic, astronomy, and music), which together took about seven years of full-time study.

During this period, a student would first earn a baccalaureate, or Bachelor's degree, after completing part of their studies. The division between the trivium and quadrivium did not always correspond to the division between the BA and MA degrees, though it was adopted at Cambridge during the Tudor period and remained in place long after other European universities had moved away from it. At the University of Paris, the baccalaureate was awarded soon after responsions (the matriculation exam), while at Oxford and Cambridge the BA was granted much later and became more significant over time.

Upon being admitted to the degree of Master of Arts, a student would become a full member of the university and gain the right to vote in the Convocation. The new MA could then teach at the university for a set number of years, during which time they were referred to as a 'regent' or 'regent master.' Upon completing this period of teaching, they would become a 'non-regent master' and either leave the university or remain to pursue further studies in one of the higher faculties—Divinity, Canon or Civil Law, or Medicine.

Over time, it became possible to study in these higher faculties as a BA, although a graduate could not be promoted to a higher degree until they had the seniority required to become an MA. As the requirements for the BA increased, the requirements for the MA gradually diminished. By the 18th century, the practice had largely become a formality, and students could meet residency requirements (once fulfilled by attending lectures) simply by keeping their names on the college books. In 1800, Oxford introduced modern-style examinations for the BA and MA degrees, but the MA examination was abolished in 1807.

Costume of a non-regent MA in Cambridge, 1815. Agar Cambridge non-regent MA 1815.jpg
Costume of a non-regent MA in Cambridge, 1815.

From at least the 16th century, noblemen formed the most select group of undergraduates, paying four times the normal fees and sometimes receiving an MA degree after just two years of residence, without completing the BA degree. However, many did not stay long enough to graduate. Noblemen were distinguished by gold tassels on their mortarboard caps, compared to the black ones worn by students of lower social ranks. [13] Students of the next rank—fellow-commoners at Cambridge and Dublin or gentlemen commoners at Oxford—paid twice the standard fees, dined with the fellows, and were exempt from attending lectures and performing exercises required for the BA. They could graduate a year earlier than students in lower ranks. However, at Cambridge, both higher categories were still required to take the Senate House Examination to receive an honours degree. [14] Below these were commoners at Oxford or pensioners at Cambridge and Dublin, who paid the standard fees and were more likely to remain and graduate. At the bottom were servitors at Oxford and sizars at Cambridge and Dublin, who had their fees subsidized by the college in exchange for menial duties. Oliver Goldsmith was a sizar; Isaac Newton was a subsizar. These distinctions were gradually phased out during the 19th century.

Reforms in the late 16th century allowed some ordinary undergraduates to bypass the BA stage altogether. Previously, it was necessary to wait three years after earning a BA to become a bachelor of laws or medicine, but after paying a fine, students could leave college after three years of residence to study at the Inns of Court or a teaching hospital, and return for a professional bachelor's degree, as was the case with William Blackstone.

Until 1865, all students at King's College, Cambridge were from Eton College and could graduate BA and later MA without taking university exams. Similarly, students at New College, Oxford, who all came from Winchester College, had the same exemptions until 1834.

Although the length of undergraduate degree programs has been reduced to three or four years in all subjects, the MA degree at Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin is still awarded roughly seven years after matriculation. This reflects the fact that much of the liberal arts education has been transferred to grammar schools, with students now entering university at an older age, typically between 17 and 19. (In France, the school-leaving certificate is still called the Baccalauréat.)

Durham University (which awarded its first MA in 1838) and the University of London (first MA awarded in 1840) broke away from the ancient English model by treating the MA as a distinct higher degree, awarded after further examination. [15] [16] [17] However, by instituting further study beyond the initial baccalaureate, these universities can be seen to have reverted to the ancient model. Most modern universities followed their lead, with the Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin system becoming the exception. Some universities adopted the ancient model temporarily, allowing progression within the same faculty, such as from BSc to MSc, but later switched to the newer system.

Among the "steamboat ladies" (female students at Oxford and Cambridge who were awarded ad eundem degrees by the University of Dublin between 1904 and 1907, at a time when their own universities refused to confer degrees upon women), some, like Julia Bell, earned MAs. [18]

Rights and privileges

The degree of Master of Arts traditionally carried various rights and privileges, the chief of which was membership of the legislative bodies of the universities – Convocation at Oxford and the Senate at Cambridge and Dublin. These were originally important decision-making bodies, approving changes to the statutes of the universities and electing various officials, including the two members of Parliament for each university. Inception to the MA degree was the principal way of becoming a member of these bodies, though it is not the only way, e.g. at Oxford Doctors of Divinity, Medicine and Civil Law were always also automatically members of Convocation. Today, the main role of Convocation and Senate is the election of the Chancellor of each university as well as the Professor of Poetry at Oxford and the High Steward at Cambridge.

The privileges accorded to MAs and other members of Convocation/Senate were formerly very important. At Oxford, until 1998 the Proctors only had the power to discipline "junior members" (those who had not been admitted to membership of Convocation), which meant that any graduate student who had incepted as an MA was immune from their authority. At Cambridge, MAs and those with MA status continue to be exempt from the rules governing the ownership of motor vehicles by students. Other privileges intended for academic staff and alumni, e.g. the right to dine at High Table, to attend Gaudies, to walk upon college lawns, etc., are in most colleges restricted to MAs, which excludes the majority of graduate students.

For Cambridge, membership of the Senate is no longer limited to the MA [19] and in 2000, Oxford opened membership of Convocation to all graduates. [20]

For Dublin, the right to elect senators to the upper house of the Irish parliament, Seanad Éireann, is now restricted to those who are Irish citizens and since 1918 the franchise was extended to include all graduates, not only those with an MA. [21]


The MA degree gives its holder a particular status in the universities' orders of precedence/seniority. [22] [23] In the University of Oxford a Master of Arts enjoys precedence, standing, and rank before all doctors, masters, and bachelors of the university who are not Masters of Arts, apart from Doctors of Divinity and Doctors of Civil Law. Precedence, standing, and rank were formerly important for determining eligibility for appointments such as fellowships, but now generally have only a ceremonial significance.

MA status

In Oxford, until 2000 the university statutes required that all members of Congregation (the academic and senior staff of the university) have at least the degree of DD, DM, DCL or MA or have MA status. This linked back to the MA as the licence to teach in the university. MA status was thus routinely granted to academics from other universities who came to take up positions within the university; while it is no longer granted in this way, many members of Congregation appointed before 2000 retain MA status.

In Cambridge, the status of MA is automatically accorded to graduates of other universities studying in Cambridge who are aged 24 or older (graduate students under 24 years are given BA status). This entitles them to wear the appropriate Cambridge gown, but without strings. [24]

For the above cases, the status is not a degree so is automatically relinquished upon leaving the University (in the case of Oxford) or completion of their degree (for Cambridge).

Historical examples at other colleges

While today only Cambridge, Oxford, and Trinity College, Dublin promote students to the degree of Master of Arts three years after graduation, this was a practice at other colleges before the 20th century.

In the United States, Harvard University engaged in this practice from the mid-1600s until 1872. [25] At Yale University, an MA without examination was award from its foundation until 1871. [26] Likewise, Columbia University awarded the Master of Arts in this manner from its origins as King's College. Its first commencement was held in 1758, and three years later, in 1761, three of the five members of the original graduation class were promoted to Master of Arts. [27] The practice was abolished by the Board of Trustees in June 1880, when a formal exam for the Master of Arts was introduced. [28]


In 2000, research by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education showed that 62% of employers were unaware that the Cambridge MA did not represent any kind of postgraduate achievement involving study. [29] The same survey found widespread ignorance amongst employers regarding university-level qualifications in general: 51% believed the Edinburgh MA to be a postgraduate qualification, 22% were unaware that a Doctorate in Business Administration was a higher qualification than an undergraduate Diploma of Higher Education, and 40% thought that a BA or BSc was a postgraduate degree. [30]

In February 2011, the then Labour MP for Nottingham East, Chris Leslie, sponsored a private member's bill, the Master's Degrees (Minimum Standards) Bill 2010–12, to "prohibit universities awarding Master's degrees unless certain standards of study and assessment are met". [31] [32] The bill's second reading debate occurred on 21 October 2011, but ran out of time. [32] [31]

In Ireland, the Master of Arts at Trinity College, Dublin, is not registered with or approved by Quality and Qualifications Ireland, the national agency responsible for academic qualifications in Ireland. [33]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Academic dress of the University of Oxford</span> Dressing code worn by academics at the University of Oxford during specific ceremonies

The University of Oxford has a long tradition of academic dress, which continues to the present day.

Degree abbreviations are used as an alternative way to specify an academic degree instead of spelling out the title in full, such as in reference books such as Who's Who and on business cards. Many degree titles have more than one possible abbreviation, with the abbreviation used varying between different universities. In the UK it is normal not to punctuate abbreviations for degrees with full stops, although this is done at some universities.

The system of academic degrees at the University of Oxford originates in the Middle Ages and has evolved since the University's founding in 1096.

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  1. 1 2 "Regulations for the Degree of Master of Arts". University of Oxford . Retrieved 17 October 2022.
  2. 1 2 "The Cambridge MA". University of Cambridge. 6 November 2014. Retrieved 13 December 2015.
  3. 1 2 "Regulations for the degree of Master in Arts (M.A.)". Trinity College Dublin. Archived from the original on 24 September 2015. Retrieved 13 December 2015.
  4. "Verifying qualifications". Oxford University. April 2020.
  5. See a reader's letter to Times Higher Education : "Why I...think Oxbridge MA degrees should be scrapped". Times Higher Education. 16 June 2000. Archived from the original on 17 August 2022. an Independent article "Parliament: The House In Brief: Oxbridge MA 'unfair'". The Independent. 8 June 2000. Archived from the original on 26 August 2011 via HighBeam Research. and an article in The Oxford Student "Privilege Axed". The Oxford Student. 14 October 1999. Archived from the original on 3 December 2008. Retrieved 25 June 2009.
  6. 1 2 "Chapter 4: Regulations for the Degree of Master of Arts". University of Oxford Examination Decrees and Regulations for the Academic Year 2005–2006. Oxford University Press. 2005. p. 563.
  7. University of Oxford (16 May 2024). "Information about the Master of Arts at the University of Oxford" (PDF). WhatDoTheyKnow .
  8. 1 2 "CHAPTER V : B.A. DEGREE AND M.A. DEGREE - MASTER OF ARTS" (PDF). University of Cambridge.
  9. 1 2 "Degrees and Diplomas – II. REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE AWARD OF DEGREES – 4. Masters". College Calendar, Trinity College Dublin (PDF). 2007. p. E5.
  10. "Statute X: Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates". Statutes and Regulations, University of Oxford.
  11. "Chapter XXII: Chapter relating to the Degrees conferred by the University". The 1966 Consolidated Statutes of Trinity College, Dublin, and the University of Dublin (PDF). 2006. p. 83. Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 March 2009. Retrieved 16 July 2008.
  12. "Calendar Style Guide 2015" (PDF). University of Oxford. Retrieved 12 December 2015.
  13. "World Wide Words: Tufthunter". World Wide Words.
  14. Peter Searby, A History of the University of Cambridge, vol. III, 1750–1870, Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp. 68–69
  15. C. E. Whiting (29 June 1937). "Durham University Centenary" . Yorkshire Post . Retrieved 12 December 2015 via British Newspaper Archive. The M.A. degree at Oxford and Cambridge had degenerated, and was granted to Bachelors of three years' standing on the payment of certain fees. At Durham, the B.A. had to keep residence for three extra terms and pass what seems to have been an honours examination to proceed to the Master's degree, and for a number of years classes were awarded in the M.A. examination.
  16. "Examination for the degree of Master of Arts". Regulations of the University of London on the Subject of Degrees in Arts. 1839. pp. 21–23.
  17. "Regulations". The Durham University Calendar. 1842. pp. xxv–xxvi.
  18. Jones, Greta (17 September 2015). "Bell, Julia (1879–1979)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online ed.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/38514.(Subscription or UK public library membership required.); Parkes, Susan M. "Steamboat ladies (act. 1904–1907)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online ed.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/61643.(Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  19. "Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Cambridge: Statute A Chapter 1". Retrieved 21 November 2012.
  20. "Statutes and Regulations: Statute III – Convocation". Retrieved 21 November 2012.
  21. "Representation of the University in Seanad Éireann" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 7 June 2011. Retrieved 21 November 2012.
  22. "Ordinances Chapter II: Matriculation, Residence, Admission to Degrees, Discipline" (PDF). Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Cambridge and Passages from Acts of Parliament relating to the University. Cambridge University Press. 2005. p. 186.
  23. "Regulations for Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates, Part 2: Academic Precedence and Standing". Statutes and Regulations, University of Oxford. 2002.
  24. "Cambridge SU Gown Guide".
  25. "Morning Exercises". Retrieved 1 August 2024.
  26. "Miscellaneous Regulations". Yale University. 25 September 2015. Retrieved 8 September 2024.
  27. Columbia College (New York, N. Y. ) (1826). Catalogue of Columbia College in the City of New-York : embracing the names of its trustees, officers, and graduates, together with a list of all academical honours conferred by the institution from A.D. 1758 to A.D. 1826, inclusive. U.S. National Library of Medicine. New York : Printed by T. and J. Swords.
  28. Columbia university. [from old catalog] (1878). Statutes of Columbia college and its associated schools. The Library of Congress. New York, Printed for the College.
  29. "Oxbridge students' MA 'degrees' under threat" . Daily Telegraph. Archived from the original on 12 January 2022. Retrieved 2 January 2013.
  30. "QAA to tighten reins on MAs". Times Higher Education Supplement. 7 July 2000. Retrieved 6 February 2014.
  31. 1 2 "Master's Degrees (Minimum Standards) Bill 2010–2012". UK Parliament. Retrieved 29 November 2021.
  32. 1 2 "Master's Degrees (Minimum Standards) Bill 2010–2012: Second Reading". House of Commons Hansard Debates. 21 October 2011.
  33. "Irish Register of Qualification". Retrieved 21 August 2023.