Oded Regev (physicist)

Last updated
Oded Regev
Born (1946-10-25) 25 October 1946 (age 76)
Known forAstrophysical fluid dynamics
Scientific career
Fields Physics, fluid dynamics
Doctoral advisor Giora Shaviv
Notable students Noam Soker, Nir Shaviv

Oded Regev (born 1946) is a physicist and astrophysicist, professor emeritus of the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. He is best known for his theoretical application of fluid dynamics and dynamical systems theory to astrophysics.



Regev was born in Poland and emigrated to Israel in 1958. His academic career was mainly in Israel. He studied physics and mathematics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with graduate studies and a Ph.D. at Tel Aviv University, and became a faculty member at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. During his studies he served four years in the Israel Defense Forces and continued to serve in the reserve units, reaching the rank of major. In 2002 he moved to the US.


His early numerical calculations (with G. Shaviv) of a rotating gas sphere gravitational collapse (1980) were the first to show that a central object (a star) is formed surrounded by a protoplanetary disk-like nebula, provided turbulent viscosity is included. [1] Together with J.R. Buchler he found a simplistic model of a stellar oscillator that exhibited chaotic pulsation. [2] This oscillator was later found to be related to the Moore-Spiegel oscillator.

He was among the discoverers of the advection dominated accretion flows (ADAF) [3] which became a very popular idea in modeling accretion disks around black holes.

In his later years he concentrated on theory of accretion disks applying mathematical approximation methods that were novel to astrophysics. He investigated instabilities of accretion disks that may give rise to angular momentum transport, excluding the possibility that the magneto-rotational instability may develop beyond linear stage in thin, disks with very low magnetic Prandtl number as such structures usually are. [4]


Regev is the author of :

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  1. Shu, Frank H. (1982). The Physical Universe . University Science Books. pp.  475–477. ISBN   9780935702057.
  2. Shatzman, Evry L. & Praderie, Francoise (1990). The Stars. pp.  287–291. ISBN   3540541969.
  3. Abramowicz, Marek A.; Chen, Xingming; Kato, Shoji; Lasota, Jean-Pierre; Regev, Oded (1995). "Thermal equilibria of accretion disks". The Astrophysical Journal. 438: L37. arXiv: astro-ph/9409018 . Bibcode:1995ApJ...438L..37A. doi:10.1086/187709. S2CID   2544869.
  4. Regev, Oded (2008). "Hydrodynamical Activity in Thin Accretion Disks". New Astronomy Rev. 51 (10–12): 819–827. arXiv: 0801.0699 . Bibcode:2008NewAR..51..819R. doi:10.1016/j.newar.2008.03.011. S2CID   16101827.
  5. Review of Physics with Answers:
    • Bustad, Johnny (1999), "Review", Elementa: Tidskrift för Matematik, Fysik och Kemi, 82: 97
  6. Reviews of Chaos and Complexity in Astrophysics:
  7. Review of Modern Fluid Dynamics for Physics and Astrophysics: