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Phaser may refer to:

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ASP may refer to:

Dark Star or Darkstar may refer to:

Up is the y-axis relative vertical direction opposed to down.

Core or cores may refer to:

Delay may refer to:

Transition or transitional may refer to:

The Cold War was a geopolitical, ideological, and economic struggle after World War II between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Partisan may refer to:

Phase or phases may refer to:

Contra may refer to:

Polaris is a star, also known as the North Star.

A robot is a virtual or mechanical artificial agent, usually an electro-mechanical machine.

Pylon may refer to:

Retardation is the act or result of delaying; the extent to which anything is retarded or delayed; that which retards or delays.

The world is a common name for the whole of human civilization, specifically human experience, history, or the human condition in general, worldwide, i.e. anywhere on Earth.

WF may refer to:

A pyramid is a structure with triangular lateral surfaces converging to an apex.

Dominator(s) may refer to:

Tactic(s) or Tactical may refer to:

A hedgehog is a small, spiny mammal.