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Seefra is a fictional planetary system in the Andromeda universe.

<i>Andromeda</i> (TV series) 2000-2005 Canadian-American science fiction television series

Andromeda is a Canadian/American science fiction television series, based on unused material by Gene Roddenberry, developed by Robert Hewitt Wolfe, and produced by Roddenberry's widow, Majel Barrett. It starred Kevin Sorbo as High Guard Captain Dylan Hunt. The series premiered on October 2, 2000, and ended on May 13, 2005.

At the end of Season 4, Trance Gemini transports all the main characters to the Seefra system. The system has two dim suns, Methus-1 and Methus-2, along with nine identical barren worlds, Seefra-1 through Seefra-9. The population of the system is highly superstitious and technology, especially spaceflight, is shunned. The planets are in constant drought, so water is treasured. Flavin, a Paradine, meets Dylan here, giving him cryptic hints about Dylan's destiny and what Seefra is before disappearing.

The Paradine are a fictional race in the science fiction universe of Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda television series.

Seefra-1 is revealed to be the planet Tarn-Vedra, center of the Vedran Empire and subsequent Systems Commonwealth for thousands of years, as discovered by Dylan Hunt during Season 5.

The All Systems Commonwealth or simply the Systems Commonwealth is a fictional intergalactic government from Gene Roddenberry's science fiction TV series Andromeda. It was born out of the Vedran Empire. The Vedrans, originating from Tarn-Vedra, which was their homeworld and the capital of their empire, and they were the first known race to discover the Slipstream, the only known way to travel faster-than-light. They built their empire by traveling to the different star systems and conquering the inhabited and colonizing the uninhabited worlds. The Commonwealth was a democratic federation of planets, drifts, and systems. The Commonwealth struggled with growth, as it expanded, its problems compounded, especially as it spread across the Three Galaxies or Six Galaxies. It lasted for about 5500 years, starting with a time of political reform and ending with a violent civil war started by the Nietzscheans and subsequent invasion by the terrifying Magog.

Eight of the nine planets in the Seefra system, from Seefra-9 through Seefra-2, are destroyed during Season 5, as Trance Gemini's sun (Trance is the avatar representation of "her" sun) enters the system to become the new Seefran/Vedran sun. Not only are the eight planets destroyed, but the manufactured Methus suns are consumed as well. The new Vedran sun comes to a stop before reaching Seefra-1, revealing that the consumption of the other eight planets and the Methus suns was part of an elaborate braking system by design.

Avatar incarnation of anything, particularly of a deity in Hinduism

An avatar, a concept in Hinduism that means "descent", refers to the material appearance or incarnation of a deity on earth. The relative verb to "alight, to make one's appearance" is sometimes used to refer to any guru or revered human being.

Much of Season 5 centers on: the discovery and decoding of the Methus Diagram which is a blueprint of the Methus suns; the repair of the sun Methus-2, and; the evacuation of Seefra-9 through Seefra-2, as the new sun consumes the planetary system.

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