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The legal landscape around SolvV showing its role for risk management of financial institutions in Germany. Hou710 KWG.svg
The legal landscape around SolvV showing its role for risk management of financial institutions in Germany.

SolvV is short for Solvabilitätsverordnung which means solvability directive in German, i.e. the delegated legislation of §§ 10 ff of the Kreditwesengesetz and in effect since 2006. The long name in German is Verordnung über die angemessene Eigenmittelausstattung von Instituten, Institutsgruppen und Finanzholding-Gruppen, literally "directive on the appropriate setting of equity for (financial) institutes, groups of institutes and financial holding groups". There is an analogous directive with the same name in Austria.

In parliamentary systems and presidential systems of government, primary legislation and secondary legislation, the latter also called delegated legislation or subordinate legislation, are two forms of law, created respectively by the legislative and executive branches of government. Primary legislation generally consists of statutes, also known as 'acts', that set out broad outlines and principles, but delegate specific authority to an executive branch to make more specific laws under the aegis of the principal act. The executive branch can then issue secondary legislation, creating legally-enforceable regulations and the procedures for implementing them.


The German Banking Act Kreditwesengesetz (KWG) literally means law of the banking system, is the primary legally implementation of the Basel Accords. It is binding for banks and other institutes providing financial services in Germany and effective since January 1935, but updated in 1962.

Equity (finance) difference between the value of the assets/interest and the cost of the liabilities of something owned

In accounting, equity is the difference between the value of the assets and the value of the liabilities of something owned. It is governed by the following equation:

See also

Sarbanes–Oxley Act United States law covering finance and accountability

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, also known as the "Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act" and "Corporate and Auditing Accountability, Responsibility, and Transparency Act" and more commonly called Sarbanes–Oxley, Sarbox or SOX, is a United States federal law that set new or expanded requirements for all U.S. public company boards, management and public accounting firms. A number of provisions of the Act also apply to privately held companies, such as the willful destruction of evidence to impede a federal investigation.

External resources

Deutsche Bundesbank central bank of Germany

The Deutsche Bundesbank is the central bank of the Federal Republic of Germany and as such part of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB). Due to its strength and former size, the Bundesbank is the most influential member of the ESCB. Both the Bundesbank and the European Central Bank (ECB) are located in Frankfurt, Germany. It is sometimes referred to as "Buba" for Bundesbank, while its official abbreviation is BBk.

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