Tillandsia achyrostachys

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Tillandsia achyrostachys
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Monocots
Clade: Commelinids
Order: Poales
Family: Bromeliaceae
Genus: Tillandsia
Subgenus: Tillandsia subg. Tillandsia
T. achyrostachys
Binomial name
Tillandsia achyrostachys
E.Morren ex Baker

Tillandsia achyrostachys (Morren and Baker, 1889) is a perennial plant in the genus Tillandsia.


The name straw-eared refers to the wrinkled cover leaves.


The plant is stemless, 40 cm high with a flower stalk, and the leaves form an erect rosette.

The leaf bases are oblong-ovate, 2–3 cm wide, 4–6 cm long, and gray scaly in colour.

The leaves are erect, slightly curved at the top, narrow lanceolate in shape, measuring 20 cm long and 2 cm wide above the base.

The flower stalk is upright, bare, 15 cm long, and 3 to 5 mm wide.

The inflorescence is a simple ear, flattened on both sides, ranging from 15 to 20 cm long and 2 cm wide.

The cover leaves are densely potted, oval, pointed, 4 cm long, 2 cm wide, membranous, and ashy, red or greenish red.

The flowers are upright, indoors, 4–6 cm long, and green, with protruding anthers. The petals form a narrow tube, 4 cm long. The cup leaves are lanceolate, long, and pointed.

It is reminiscent of a small T. califann in a flowering state.


Mexico, up to 2000 m.


The plant prefers moderate water but not too dry, light shade.


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