Tom Lubensky

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Tom C. Lubensky (born Kansas City, Missouri 7 May 1943) is an American physicist. He is currently the Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where he was Mary Amanda Wood professor of physics (1998–2009) and chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. [1] [2]



Dr. Lubensky received his B.S. in physics from the California Institute of Technology in 1964 and both his M.A. (1965) and Ph.D. (1969) in physics from Harvard University. He was an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Paris in Orsay (1969–70) and a postdoctoral research associate at Brown University (1970–71). He joined the University of Pennsylvania in 1971, promoted to associate professor in 1975 and to full professor in 1980. [1]


He is a fellow of the American Physical Society (1985), American Association for the Advancement of Science (2000), elected member of the National Academy of Sciences (2002) and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2007), Alfred P. Sloan Fellow (1975–77), Guggenheim Fellow (1981), and honored member of the International Liquid Crystal Society. [3]


In 2004 Dr. Lubensky received Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize for seminal contributions to the theory of condensed matter systems including the prediction and elucidation of the properties of new, partially ordered phases of complex materials. [4] Lubensky also was named to the Patricia M. Williams Term Chair at the University of Pennsylvania from 1995 to 1998. [4]


Lubensky is the coauthor of the textbook Principles of Condensed Matter Physics [5] ( ISBN   0-521-43224-3) with Paul Chaikin.

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  1. 1 2 "Mary Amanda Wood Chair: Dr. Tom Lubensky" (PDF). Retrieved 2009-07-23.
  2. "Tom Lubensky Biography". Retrieved 2009-07-22.
  3. "Tom C. Lubensky". Retrieved 2009-07-22.
  4. 1 2 "2004 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize Recipient". APS . Retrieved 2009-07-22.
  5. Karakashian, A. S. (2001). "A Review of "Principles of Condensed Matter Physics" by PM Chaikin and TC Lubensky, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2000, ISBN 0 521 79450 1 (paperback)". Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. 369 (1): 275. doi:10.1080/10587250108030023. S2CID   96677269.