Two-tiered pricing

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Two-tiered pricing refers to a system under which commodities for domestic use are supported at one level and those for export markets at another, lower level.

In the United States, the peanut price support program, until policy changes made by the 2002 farm bill (P.L. 101-171, Section 1301-1310), used a two-tiered pricing system with a higher level of support for “quota peanuts” that could be sold domestically as edible peanuts and a lower level of support for “additional peanuts” that only could be exported or crushed if that stayed in the United States.

In United States agricultural policy, additional peanuts refers to peanuts sold from a farm in any marketing year in excess of the amount of quota peanuts sold from that farm. Additional peanuts must be exported or crushed into oil and meal. Additionals are eligible only for the lower of two price support levels available under the peanut price support program. The lower additionals loan rate is set to ensure that the Commodity Credit Corporation does not incur losses on their sale and disposal.

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