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Specialty Gynecology

Parametritis (also known as pelvic cellulitis[ citation needed ]) is an infection of the parametrium (connective tissue adjacent to the uterus). It is considered a form of pelvic inflammatory disease. [1]

This is an image of pelvic inflammation in women commonly seen with PID. Pelvic inflammation in women (1921) (14766013522).jpg
This is an image of pelvic inflammation in women commonly seen with PID.

[[File:NeisseriaGonorrhoeae.jpg|thumb|Gram-stain of gonococcal urethritis.

Scientific classification
Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Pseudomonadota
Class: Betaproteobacteria
Order: Neisseriales
Family: Neisseriaceae
Genus: Neisseria
Species:N. gonorrhoeae
Binomial name
Neisseria gonorrhoeae(Zopf 1885) Trevisan 1885
  • Micrococcus der Gonorrhoe Neisser 1879
  • Gonococcus neisseri Lindau1898

Extremely rare in humans, with approximately 1 in 20 million people becoming infected.

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  1. "Broad Ligament Disorders: eMedicine Obstetrics and Gynecology" . Retrieved 2010-03-10.