Degressive proportionality

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Degressive proportionality is an approach to the allocation (between regions, states or other subdivisions) of seats in a legislature or other decision-making body. Degressive proportionality means that while the subdivisions do not each elect an equal number of members, smaller subdivisions are allocated more seats than would be allocated strictly in proportion to their population. The seats-to-votes ratio decreases for larger subdivisions.


This is an alternative to, for instance,

Degressive proportionality is intermediate between those two approaches. As a term it does not describe any one particular formula.



Each German state has three to six seats in the Bundesrat of Germany depending on its population. This means the least populous state, Bremen (with 663,000 inhabitants), has three seats while the most populous one, North Rhine-Westphalia (with 18,058,000 inhabitants), has only six seats.

European Parliament

Under the Treaty of Lisbon, the European Parliament uses a system of degressive proportionality to allocate its 720 seats among the member states of the European Union. Treaty negotiations, rather than a specific formula, determine the apportionment between member states.

Number of seats in EP 2014-2019 versus number of inhabitants, showing difference with proportionality. Number of seats in EP 2014-2019 versus number of inhabitants per country.jpg
Number of seats in EP 2014–2019 versus number of inhabitants, showing difference with proportionality.

Minimum seats

State population per U.S. electoral college vote for the 50 states and Washington D.C., based on 2010 census. States are ordered from left to right according to total state population. US 2010 Census State Population Per Electoral Vote.png
State population per U.S. electoral college vote for the 50 states and Washington D.C., based on 2010 census. States are ordered from left to right according to total state population.

Any system that reserves a minimum number of seats for a sub-body is to some extent degressively proportional. One example is the election of the US presidential Electoral College. As each state has a minimum of three members of the college, voters in smaller states have disproportionally more say in the election than the national average. Like the US Electoral College, Spain's Congress of Deputies adds two extra seats to the otherwise proportional number allocated to each province.



Methods for allocating weights

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