1093 (number)

Last updated
Cardinal one thousand ninety-three
Ordinal 1093rd
(one thousand ninety-third)
Factorization prime
Prime yes
Divisors 1, 1093
Greek numeral ,ΑϞΓ´
Roman numeral MXCIII
Binary 100010001012
Ternary 11111113
Senary 50216
Octal 21058
Duodecimal 77112
Hexadecimal 44516

1093 is the natural number following 1092 and preceding 1094.

1093 is a prime number. Together with 1091 and 1097, it forms a prime triplet. It is a happy prime and a star prime. It is also the smallest Wieferich prime. 1093 is a repunit prime in base 3 because:

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