CSF/serum glucose ratio

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CSF/serum glucose ratio
Reference range 0.6
LOINC 2352-3

The CSF/serum glucose ratio, also known as CSF/Blood glucose ratio, is a measurement used to compare CSF glucose and blood sugar.

Because many bacteria metabolize glucose, and because the blood brain barrier minimizes transversal, the ratio can be useful in determining whether there is a bacterial infection in the CSF.

The normal ratio is 0.6. [1]

It is used to distinguish between bacterial and viral meningitis, as it is often lowered in bacterial meningitis and normal in viral meningitis. [2]

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Neonatal meningitis

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Pathophysiology sample values
Na+ = 140 Cl = 100 BUN = 20/
Glu = 150
K+ = 4 CO2 = 22 PCr = 1.0\
HCO3 = 24 p a CO2 = 40 p a O2 = 95 pH = 7.40
p A CO2 = 36 p A O2 = 105 A-a g = 10
Ca = 9.5 Mg2+ = 2.0 PO4 = 1
CK = 55 BE = −0.36 AG = 16
PMO = 300 PCO = 295 POG = 5 BUN:Cr = 20
UNa+ = 80 UCl = 100 UAG = 5 FENa = 0.95
UK+ = 25 USG = 1.01 UCr = 60 UO = 800
LDH = 100 TP = 7.6 AST = 25 TBIL = 0.7
ALP = 71 Alb = 4.0 ALT = 40 BC = 0.5
AST/ALT = 0.6 BU = 0.2
AF alb = 3.0 SAAG = 1.0 SOG = 60
CSF alb = 30 CSF glu = 60 CSF/S alb = 7.5 CSF/S glu = 0.4
  1. Karen Roos (2005). Principles of neurologic infectious diseases. New York: McGraw-Hill, Medical Pub. Division. p. 4. ISBN   0-07-140816-9.
  2. Tamune H; et al. (2014). "Cerebrospinal fluid/blood glucose ratio as an indicator for bacterial meningitis". Am J Emerg Med. 32 (3): 263–6. doi:10.1016/j.ajem.2013.11.030. PMID   24361137.