The Primal Wound

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The Primal Wound
The Primal Wound book cover.jpg
AuthorNancy Verrier
GenreDevelopmental psychology, Attachment, Adoption, Early childhood trauma
ISBN 9781905664764

The Primal Wound: Understanding the Adopted Child is a book by American author Nancy Verrier published in 1993. The book posits that there is a "primal wound" that develops when a mother and child are separated by adoption shortly after childbirth. It describes the mother and child as having a vital connected relationship which is physical, psychological and physiological, and examines the effects of disrupting such bonds.

The primary focus of the book is on the effects of adoption on the adoptee. A central theme is the assertion that all adoptees, even those adopted at birth, will retain memories of the separation from their birth mothers, and that regardless of the way the adoption is presented and handled by adoptive parents, these memories will have profound effects on the emotional and psychological well-being of the child and adult adoptee.

The book delves into the experiences of adoptees, emphasizing that the effects of adoption persist throughout their lives. Verrier asserts that even those adopted at birth carry within them memories of their separation from their birth mothers. These memories, regardless of how the adoption is presented or handled by adoptive parents, exert profound influence on the emotional and psychological well-being of the child, continuing into adulthood.

Verrier's work highlights the significance of recognizing and addressing the complex emotional landscape of adopted individuals. By understanding the primal wound and its lasting impact, society can better support and empower adoptees as they navigate their unique life journeys. Moreover, the book encourages a holistic perspective on adoption, fostering compassion and empathy for all parties involved, including birth parents who also experience the effects of separation.


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