
Last updated
Discovered by Jean Mueller
Discovery dateOctober 18, 1987
1987 XXXI; 1995 O2
Orbital characteristics
Epoch 2022-01-21
Aphelion 5.448 AU
Perihelion 2.478 AU
Semi-major axis 3.963 AU
Eccentricity 0.3746
Orbital period 7.88 yr
Inclination 8.4899°
Last perihelionMay 7, 2021 [1]
February 22, 2013 [2]
September 30, 2004
Next perihelion2029-Apr-05 [3]

120P/Mueller, also known as Mueller 1, is a periodic comet in the Solar System. It last came to perihelion in May 2021 [1] and underwent a 1.4 magnitude outburst in August 2021, [4] (3m 1d after perihelion).

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  1. 1 2 "120P/Mueller Orbit". Minor Planet Center . Retrieved 2014-06-17.
  2. Syuichi Nakano (2010-04-23). "120P/Mueller 1 (NK 1918)". OAA Computing and Minor Planet Sections. Retrieved 2012-02-25.
  3. "Horizons Batch for 120P/Mueller 1 on 2029-Apr-05" (Perihelion occurs when rdot flips from negative to positive). JPL Horizons . Retrieved 2021-09-13. (JPL#20/Soln.date: 2021-Apr-15)
  4. Zwicky Transient Facility Survey of Cometary Outbursts
Numbered comets