4th Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party

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The 4th Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP) was elected at the 4th LPRP National Congress in 1986. It was composed of 51 members and nine alternates.



RankName Akson Lao 3rd CC 5th CC Gender
1 Kaysone Phomvihane ໄກສອນ ພົມວິຫານOld1Reelected1Male
2 Nouhak Phoumsavanh ໜູຮັກ ພູມສະຫວັນOld2Reelected2Male
3 Souphanouvong ສຸພານຸວົງOld3RetiredMale
4 Phoumi Vongvichit ພູມີ ວົງວິຈິດOld4RetiredMale
5 Khamtai Siphandone ຄໍາໄຕ ສີພັນດອນOld5Reelected3Male
6 Phoun Sipaseut ພູນ ສີປະເສີດOld6Reelected4Male
7 Sisomphon Lovansay ສີສົມພອນ ລໍວັນໄຊOld7RetiredMale
8 Sisavath Keobounphanh ສີສະຫວາດ ແກ້ວບຸນພັນOld9Reelected15Male
9 Sali Vongkhamsao ສາລີ ວົງຄໍາຊາວOld8DiedMale
10 Maichantan Sengmani ໄມຈັນຕານ ແສງມະນີOld11Reelected5Male
11 Samane Vignaket ສະໝານ ວິຍະເກດOld10Reelected6Male
12 Oudom Khattigna ອຸດົມ ຂັດຕິຍະOld37Reelected7Male
13 Choummaly Sayasone ຈູມມາລີ ໄຊຍະສອນOld43Reelected8Male
14 Somlat Chanthamat ສົມລັດ ຈັນທະມາດOld28Reelected9Male
15 Bounnhang Vorachit ບຸນຍັງ ວໍລະຈິດOld40Reelected14Male
16 Inkong Mahavong Old47Retired25Male
17 Asang Laoly ອາຊາງ ລາວລີOld49Reelected17Male
18 Maisouk Saisompheng ໄມສຸກ ໄຊສົມແພງOld12Retired18Male
19 Sounthon Thepasa Old20RetiredMale
20 Bolang Boualapha Old19RetiredMale
21 Siphon Phalikhan Old24Reelected26Male
22 Khambou Sounisai Old25Reelected19Male
23 Phetsamon Lasasimma Old34RetiredFemale
24 Khamphay Boupha ຄຳເພັງ ບຸບຜາOld31RetiredMale
25 Osakanh Thammatheva ໂອສະກັນ ທໍາມະເທວາOld46Reelected12Male
26 Phao Bounnaphon ເພາ ບຸນນະຜົນAlt.50Reelected16Male
27 Vongphet Saikeuyachongtoua Old35Reelected13Male
28 Sompheng Keobounhouan Old36RetiredMale
29 Bouangeun Livitmuang Old41RetiredMale
30 Khampha Chalunphonmisai Old42RetiredMale
31 Nakhon Sisanon Old44Reelected21Male
32 Khamban Chanthason Old48RetiredMale
33 Thongsavat Khaikhamphithoun Old29Retired23Male
34 Yao Phonvantha Alt.51Retired24Male
35 Thongvin Phomvihane Old30RetiredFemale
36 Loun Chaksouvon Old39RetiredFemale
37 Thongsing Thammavong ທອງສີງ ທໍາມະວົງAlt.54Reelected11Male
38 Soi Sombatdouang Alt.55NotMale
39 Khamphon Boutdakham Alt.53Not28Male
40 Thongmani Thiphommachan Alt.52Not32Male
41 Thonglai Kommasith NewNotMale
42 Ai Soulignaseng NewNot20Male
43 Khamphoui Keoboualapha ຄໍາຜຸຍ ແກ້ວບົວລະພາNewReelected10Male
44 Inpong Khaignavong NewReelected22Male
45 Siangsom Kounlavong NewNot39Male
46 Khampane Philavong NewReelected38Male
47 Thongloun Sisoulith ທອງລຸນ ສີສຸລິດNewReelected27Male
48 Phimmasone Leuangkhamma NewReelected29Male
49 Bouathong Vonglokham ບົວທອງ ວົງລໍຄຳNewReelected30Male
50 Onechanh Thammavong ອ່ອນຈັນ ທຳມະວົງNewReelected31Female
51 Ounla Saignasan NewReelected33Male
[1] [2]


RankName Akson Lao 5th CC Gender
1 Khamsay Souphanouvong ຄຳໄຊ ສຸພານຸວົງMember34Male
2 Son Khamvanvongsa Member35Male
3 Pany Yathotou ປານີ ຢາທໍ່ຕູ້Member37Female
4 Chaleun Yiapaoher ຈະເລີນ ເຢຍ​ປາວ​ເຮີMember36Male
5 Somphanh Phengkhammy ສົມພັນ ແພງຄຳມີMember40Male
6 Bounheuang Douangphachan ດວງສະຫວັດ ສຸພານຸວົງMember41Male
7 Phimpha Thepkhamheuang Member42Male
8 Khammanh Sounvileuth ຄຳໝັ້ນ ສູນວິເລີດMember43Male
9 Khamphong Phanvongsa Member44Male
[1] [2]

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The 2nd Secretariat of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP), officially the Secretariat of the 2nd National Congress of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, was elected at the 1st Plenary Session of the 2nd Central Committee in 1972.



  1. 1 2 "Lao People's Democratic Republic: Biographic Information on Officials" (PDF). Defense Technical Information Center. 17 May 1989. JPRS-SEA-89-020. Archived (PDF) from the original on November 7, 2020.
  2. 1 2 Yamada 2002, p. 126.

