8th Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party

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The 8th Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP) was elected at the 8th LPRP National Congress in 2006. It was composed of 55 members.



RankName Akson Lao 7th CC 9th CC BirthEthnicityGender
1 Choummaly Sayasone ຈູມມະລີ ໄຊຍະສອນOld3Re-elected11936 Lowland Male
2 Samane Vignaket ສະໝານ ວິຍະເກດOld2Retired1927 Lowland Male
3 Thongsing Thammavong ທອງສີງ ທໍາມະວົງOld4Re-elected21944 Lowland Male
4 Bounnhang Vorachit ບຸນຍັງ ວໍລະຈິດOld6Re-elected31937 Lowland Male
5 Sisavath Keobounphanh ສີສະຫວາດ ແກ້ວບຸນພັນOld7Retired1928 Lowland Male
6 Asang Laoly ອາຊາງ ລາວລີOld8Re-elected51941 Akha Male
7 Bouasone Bouphavanh ບົວສອນ ບູບຜາວັນOld11Not1954 Lowland Male
8 Thongloun Sisoulith ທອງລຸນ ສີສຸລິດOld9Re-elected61945 Lowland Male
9 Douangchay Phichit ດວງໃຈ ພິຈິດOld10Re-elected71944 Lowland Male
10 Somsavat Lengsavad ສົມສະຫວາດ ເລັ່ງສະຫວັດOld13Re-elected81945 Chinese Male
11 Pany Yathotou ປານີ ຢາທໍ່ຕູ້Old21Re-elected41951 Hmong Female
12 Bounthong Chitmany ບຸນທອງ ຈິດມະນີOld34Re-elected91949 Lamet Male
13 Sombat Yialiher Old40Not1956 Hmong Male
14 Thongbanh Sengaphone ທອງບັນ ແສງອາພອນOld41Re-elected121953 Lowland Male
15 Vongphet Saikeuyachongtoua Old12Retired1939 Hmong Male
16 Bounheuang Douangphachanh ດວງສະຫວັດ ສຸພານຸວົງOld14Retired1945 Midland Male
17 Onechanh Thammavong ອ່ອນຈັນ ທຳມະວົງOld15Re-elected191953 Lowland Female
18 Chansy Phosikham ຈັນສີ ໂພສີຄຳOld17Re-elected131949 Lowland Male
19 Phimmasone Leuangkhamma ພິມມະສອນ ເລືອງຄຳມາOld18Re-elected201943 Tai Dam Male
20 Khampane Philavong Old19Retired1943 Lowland Male
21 Somphanh Phengkhammy ສົມພັນ ແພງຄຳມີOld20Re-elected181948 Lowland Male
22 Saysomphone Phomvihane ໄຊສົມພອນ ພົມວິຫານOld22Re-elected171954 Lowland Male
23 Khammanh Sounvileuth ຄຳໝັ້ນ ສູນວິເລີດOld23Re-elected211952 Midland Male
24 Mounkeo Oraboun ໝູນແກ້ວ ອໍລະບູນOld26Retired1942 Lowland Male
25 Somphet Thipmala Old27Retired1940 Phuan Male
26 Chaleun Yiapaoher ຈະເລີນ ເຢຍປາວເຮີOld30Re-elected221951 Hmong Male
27 Soukanh Mahalath ສຸກັນ ມະຫາລາດOld31Re-elected141954 Lowland Male
28 Soulivong Daravong ສຸລິວົງ ດາລາວົງOld32Re-elected231949 Lowland Male
29 Bounpheng Mounphosay ບຸນເພັງ ມູນໂພໄຊOld33Re-elected241948 Phuan Female
30 Phandouangchit Vongsa ພັນດວງຈິດ ວົງສາOld35Re-elected251947 Lowland Male
31 Bounpone Bouttanavong ບຸນປອນ ບຸດຕະນະວົງOld36Re-elected101955 Lowland Male
32 Khamboun Douangpanya ຄຳບຸ່ນ ດ້ວງປັນຍາOld38Re-elected261950 Lowland Male
33 Soubanh Srithirath ສຸບັນ ສະຣິດທິຣາດOld46Retired1936 Lowland Male
34 Chanasamone Chanyalath ຈັນສະໝອນ ຈັນຍາລາດOld48Re-elected271946 Midland Male
35 Ponmek Dalaloy ປອນເມກ ດາລາລອຍOld49Retired1938 Lowland Male
36 Venethong Luangvilay Old50Retired1946 Lowland Male
37 Khampheuy Panmalaythong ຄຳເຜີຍ ປານມະໄລທອງNewRe-elected281958 Lowland Male
38 Vilayvanh Phomkhe ວິໄລວັນ ພົມເຂNewRe-elected291942 Lowland Male
39 Phankham Viphavanh ພັນຄຳ ວິພາວັນNewRe-elected111951 Lowland Male
40 Khamsane Souvong ຄຳສານ ສຸວົງNewRe-elected301953 Phounoi Male
41 Sinlavong Khoutphaythoune ສິນລະວົງ ຄຸດໄພທູນNewRe-elected311953 Lowland Male
42 Sengnouan Xayalath ແສງນວນ ໄຊຍະລາດNewRe-elected151949 Lowland Male
43 Khamphan Phommathat ຄຳພັນ ພົມມະທັດNewRe-elected321955 Midland Male
44 Somkot Mangnomek ສົມກົດ ມັງໜໍ່ເມກNewRe-elected331955 Lowland Male
45 Sonexay Siphandone ສອນໄຊ ສີພັນດອນNewRe-elected341966 Lowland Male
46 Nam Viyaketh ນາມ ວິຍະເກດNewRe-elected351958 Lowland Male
47 Tong Yeutho ຕົງເຢີທໍNewRe-elected361946 Hmong Male
48 Sisay Leudetmounsone ສີໄສ ລືເດດມູນສອນNewRe-elected371959 Katang Female
49 Sanyahak Phomvihane ສັນຍາຮັກ ພົມວິຫານNewRe-elected381968 Lowland Male
50 Cheuang Sombounkhanh ເຈືອງ ສົມບູນຂັນNewRe-elected161955 Lowland Male
51 Kikeo Khaykhamphithoune ກິແກ້ວ ໄຂຄຳພິທູນNewRe-elected391957 Lowland Male
52 Khambay Damlath ຄຳໃບ ດຳລັດNewRe-elected401957 Lowland Male
53 Sinay Mienglavanh ສີ​ໄນ ມຽງລາວັນNewNot1959 Midland Male
54 Bosaikham Vongdara ບໍ່ແສງຄໍາ ວົງດາລາNewRe-elected441948 Lowland Male
55 Sommad Pholsena ສົມມາດ ພົນເສນາNewRe-elected411953 Lowland Male
[1] [2]

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The 2nd Secretariat of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP), officially the Secretariat of the 2nd National Congress of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, was elected at the 1st Plenary Session of the 2nd Central Committee in 1972.


  1. "ກອງປະຊຸມໃຫ່ຍຜູ້ແທນທົ່ວປະເທດຄັ້ງທີ IX ຂອງພັກ" [The 9th National Congress of the Party]. Ministry of Public Security. 2011. Archived from the original on 1 April 2021. Retrieved 1 April 2021.
  2. Yamada 2002, pp. 139–40; Vithanyasaat & Haeng 2010, pp. 338–342.
