9th Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party

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The 9th Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP) was elected at the 9th LPRP National Congress in 2011. It was composed of 61 members



RankName Akson Lao 8th CC 10th CC Gender
1 Choummaly Sayasone ຈູມມະລີ ໄຊຍະສອນOld1RetiredMale
2 Thongsing Thammavong ທອງສິງ ທຳມະວົງOld3RetiredMale
3 Bounnhang Vorachit ບຸນຍັງ ວໍລະຈິດOld4Reelected1Male
4 Pany Yathotou ປານີ ຢາທໍ່ຕູ້Old11Reelected3Female
5 Asang Laoly ອາຊາງ ລາວລີOld6RetiredMale
6 Thongloun Sisoulith ທອງລຸນ ສີສຸລິດOld8Reelected2Male
7 Douangchay Phichit ດວງໃຈ ພິຈິດOld9DiedMale
8 Somsavat Lengsavad ສົມສະຫວາດ ເລັ່ງສະຫວັດOld10RetiredMale
9 Bounthong Chitmany ບຸນທອງ ຈິດມະນີOld12Reelected4Male
10 Bounpone Bouttanavong ບຸນປອນ ບຸດຕະນະວົງOld31Reelected16Male
11 Phankham Viphavanh ພັນຄຳ ວິພາວັນOld39Reelected5Male
12 Thongbanh Sengaphone ທອງບັນ ແສງອາພອນOld14DiedMale
13 Chansy Phosikham ຈັນສີ ໂພສີຄຳOld18Reelected6Male
14 Soukanh Mahalath ສຸກັນ ມະຫາລາດOld27DiedMale
15 Sengnouan Xayalath ແສງນວນ ໄຊຍະລາດOld42Reelected12Male
16 Cheuang Sombounkhanh ເຈືອງ ສົມບູນຂັນOld50DiedMale
17 Saysomphone Phomvihane ໄຊສົມພອນ ພົມວິຫານOld22Reelected7Male
18 Somphanh Phengkhammy ສົມພັນ ແພງຄຳມີOld21Reelected17Male
19 Onechanh Thammavong ອ່ອນຈັນ ທຳມະວົງOld17RetiredFemale
20 Phimmasone Leuangkhamma ພິມມະສອນ ເລືອງຄຳມາOld19RetiredMale
21 Khammanh Sounvileuth ຄຳໝັ້ນ ສູນວິເລີດOld23Reelected18Male
22 Chaleun Yiapaoher ຈະເລີນ ເຢຍປາວເຮີOld26Reelected19Male
23 Soulivong Daravong ສຸລິວົງ ດາລາວົງOld28RetiredMale
24 Bounpheng Mounphosay ບຸນເພັງ ມູນໂພໄຊOld29RetiredFemale
25 Phandouangchit Vongsa ພັນດວງຈິດ ວົງສາOld30RetiredMale
26 Khamboun Douangpanya ຄຳບຸ່ນ ດ້ວງປັນຍາOld32RetiredMale
27 Chansamone Chanyalath ຈັນສະໝອນ ຈັນຍາລາດOld34Reelected8Male
28 Khampheuy Panmalaythong ຄຳເຜີຍ ປານມະໄລທອງOld37RetiredMale
29 Vilayvanh Phomkhe ວິໄລວັນ ພົມເຂOld38RetiredMale
30 Khamsane Souvong ຄຳສານ ສຸວົງOld40Reelected20Male
31 Sinlavong Khoutphaythoune ສິນລະວົງ ຄຸດໄພທູນOld41Reelected10Male
32 Khamphan Phommathat ຄຳພັນ ພົມມະທັດOld43Reelected9Male
33 Somkot Mangnomek ສົມກົດ ມັງໜໍ່ເມກOld44Reelected21Male
34 Sonexay Siphandone ສອນໄຊ ສີພັນດອນOld45Reelected11Male
35 Nam Viyaketh ນາມ ວິຍະເກດOld46Reelected22Male
36 Tong Yeutho ຕົງເຢີທໍOld47RetiredMale
37 Sisay Leudetmounsone ສີໄສ ລືເດດມູນສອນOld48Reelected23Female
38 Sanyahak Phomvihane ສັນຍາຮັກ ພົມວິຫານOld49DiedMale
39 Kikeo Khaykhamphithoune ກິແກ້ວ ໄຂຄຳພິທູນOld51Reelected13Male
40 Khambay Damlath ຄຳໃບ ດຳລັດOld52Reelected24Male
41 Sommad Pholsena ສົມມາດ ພົນເສນາOld55Reelected25Male
42 Somdy Duangdy ສົມດີ ດວງດີNewReelected26Male
43 Phouphet Khamphounvong ພູເພັດ ຄຳພູນວົງNewNotMale
44 Bosengkham Vongdara ບໍ່ແສງຄຳ ວົງດາລາNewReelected27Male
45 Lien Thikeo ລຽນ ທິແກ້ວNewReelected29Male
46 Eksavang Vongvichit ເອກສະຫວ່າງ ວົງວິຈິດNewReelected29Male
47 Khamla Lorlonsy ຄຳຫລ້າ ລໍລອນສີNewNotMale
48 Xaysi Santivong ໄຊສີ ສັນຕິວົງNewReelected30Male
49 Khampheng Saysompheng ຄຳແພງ ໄຊສົມແພງNewReelected31Male
50 Khamhoung Heuangvongsy ຄຳຮຸ່ງ ເຮືອງວົງສີNewNotMale
51 Souvone Leuangbounmy ສຸວອນ ເລືອງບຸນມີNewReelected32Male
52 Khammeung Phongthady ຄຳເມິງ ພົງທະດີNewReelected33Male
53 Somkeo Silavong ສົມແກ້ວ ສີລາວົງNewReelected14Male
54 Khamjane Vongphosy ຄຳເຈນ ວົງໂພສີNewReelected34Male
55 Pan Noymany ປ້ານ ນ້ອຍມະນີNewReelected35Male
56 Soukkongseng Saignaleuth ສຸກກົງແສງ ໄຊຍະເລີດNewReelected36Male
57 Khamphanh Sitthidampha ຄຳພັນ ສິດທິດຳພາNewReelected37Male
58 Khamla Lingnasone ຄຳຫລ້າ ລີ້ງນະສອນNewNotMale
59 Khampheuy Bouddavieng ຄຳເຜີຍ ບຸດດາວຽງNewReelected38Male
60 Sounthone Xayachack ສູນທອນ ໄຊຍະຈັກNewReelected39Female
61 Thongloy Silivong ທອງລອຍ ສິລິວົງNewReelected40Male
[1] [2] [3]

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  1. Creak & Sayalath 2017, p. 183.
  2. Creak & Sayalath 2017, p. 190–191.
  3. "ກອງປະຊຸມໃຫ່ຍຜູ້ແທນທົ່ວປະເທດຄັ້ງທີ IX ຂອງພັກ" [The 9th National Congress of the Party]. Ministry of Public Security. 2011. Archived from the original on 1 April 2021. Retrieved 1 April 2021.

