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Histopathology of a pelvic lymph node in a patient with endometrial adenocarcinoma (FIGO grade 1):
- Left panel shows H&E staining and low magnification, where any presence of small metastases is hard to see.
- Middle panel shows immunohistochemistry for CK AE1/AE3, which highlights even small tumor nests.
- The right panel shows high magnification on a positive area, confirming adenocarcinoma, as it shows tumor cells with large nuclei and prominent nucleoli. HE histopathology and CK AE1-AE3 immunohistochemistry in endometrial adenocarcinoma metastasis to lymph node.png
Histopathology of a pelvic lymph node in a patient with endometrial adenocarcinoma (FIGO grade 1):
- Left panel shows H&E staining and low magnification, where any presence of small metastases is hard to see.
- Middle panel shows immunohistochemistry for CK AE1/AE3, which highlights even small tumor nests.
- The right panel shows high magnification on a positive area, confirming adenocarcinoma, as it shows tumor cells with large nuclei and prominent nucleoli.

AE1/AE3 is an antibody cocktail that is used in immunohistochemistry, being generally positive in the cytoplasm of carcinomas (cancers of epithelial origin). [1] [2]



The antibody cocktail binds to cytokeratin 1 - 8, 10, 14 - 16 and 19 (but not CK17 or CK18). [1] It is therefore used as a marker of carcinomas, such as depth of invasion and metastases. [1] For example, it is both relatively sensitive and specific for detection of breast cancer metastasis to sentinel lymph nodes. [3]

It may cross-react with GFAP, leading to aberrant staining of glial tumors such as ependymoma, glioblastoma and schwannoma. [1] It may also stain myofibroblasts and smooth muscle cells. [1] Furthermore, it may stain nodal epithelial cells that has contaminated a tumor from recent biopsy. [1]

See also

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