Akar is a Turkish surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Haydar, also spelt Hajdar, Hayder, Heidar, Haider, Heydar, and other variants, is an Arabic male given name, also used as a surname, meaning "lion". In Islamic tradition, the name is primarily associated with Ali ibn Abi Talib, the son-in-law and cousin of Muhammad, who was nicknamed "Haydar".
Çelik, meaning "steel" in Turkish, is a Turkish given name and surname. It may refer to:
Malakar is a Bengali Hindu surname spread throughout West Bengal and Bangladesh and also in some parts of Assam, Jharkhand and Tripura. Malakars are traditionally garlander by trade.They are one of the fourteen castes belonging to 'Nabasakh' group.
Zeki as Turkish masculine name and may refer to:
Fikri also spelled Fekri, is a masculine given Arabic name or surname in the possessive form, which generally means "thoughtful" but also could bear the meaning "intellectually, mentally, spiritual". It may refer to:
Kurtoğlu is a Turkish name. In old times it was a patronymic lakap (epithet) meaning "son of Kurt", from the Turkish first name "Kurt". The latter name literally means "wolf" in Turkish. In modern times the epithet has become a surname. Notable people with this epithet or surname include:
Akarsu is a Turkish surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Demirci is a Turkish surname meaning "blacksmith". Notable people with the surname include:
Terzioğlu is a Turkish surname. It is an occupational surname of patronymic derivation: Terzi (tailor) + -oğlu
Hulusi is a masculine Turkish given name, it may refer to:
Kessell is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Akan is a Turkish surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Kılıç is a Turkish surname meaning "sword". Notable people with the surname include:
Kurt or Kurd is a Turkish name and surname literally meaning "wolf".
Özdilek is a Turkish surname formed by the combination of the two Turkish words öz and dilek and may refer to:
Pehlivan or Pahlevan derives from Iranian language word meaning noble, wrestler, hero or champion and it is a loan word in many Asiatic languages as well as middle eastern languages including Turkish surname originally given to wrestlers. The name of Feyli (Pehli) Kurds is also deriving from the same root word. The word consist of two Iranic (Aryen) word "pehli" or "pahli" and "van, wan". While peh, pah is root word for hero "van" or "wan" is a suffix similar as in "er, or" in soldier, warrior, wrestler, shopper.
İbrahimoğlu or Ibrahimoghlu is a Turkish and Azerbaijani surname. Its literal meaning of "descendant of Ibrahim" is similar to that of the Bosnian surname Ibrahimović and the Albanian family name Brahimaj and it strongly indicates Muslim religious affiliation of its bearer. People with the name include:
Kasap is a surname, a Turkish-language variant of Qasab. Notable people with the surname include:
Sertel is Turkish surname. People with the surname include: