Ansbert (6th century)

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Ansbert the Senator
10. Anselbert le Senateur et son epouse Blitilde.jpg
BornAnsbert (or Anselbert)
Roman Gaul
Died Kingdom of Austrasia, Francia

Ansbert (Latin : Ansbertus, etc.) was a Frankish Austrasian noble, as well as a Gallo-Roman senator. He is thought to be the son of Ferreolus, Senator of Narbonne and his wife, Dode. This would make him the great-grandson of Tonantius Ferreolus, Praetorian Prefect of Gaul and his wife Papianilla.


Little of his actual life is known, and indeed, he might be semi-legendary as a " faux mérovingien ". His wife Blithilde was reputed to be a daughter of Charibert I (reigned 561–567), Merovingian King of Paris, and granddaughter of Chlothar I.

Marriage and issue

The Liber Historiae Francorum , written centuries later, states that he married Blithilde, a daughter of King Hlothar and then continues the line to the Pippinids through his son Arnoald to Arnulf of Metz, one of the progenitors of the Carolingians. [1] William of Malmesbury in his History of the Kings of England, repeats the line, without naming his source. [2] While some versions of the relationship identify this "King Hlothar" as the "father of Dagobert" and hence Clothar II,[ citation needed ] a 9th-century genealogy and some modern reconstructions posit that Ansbertus' wife must have been a daughter of Clothar I, making her the offspring of his brief relationship with Waldrada.[ citation needed ] However, Gregory of Tours, writing contemporary to the sons of Clothar I and our main source on the early Merovingians, does not ascribe to Waldrada any children by her brief extra-marital relationship with Chlothar. [3]

The following children are proposed for Ansbertus and Blithilde:


  1. Liber Historiæ Francorum 27, MGH SS rer Merov, Tome II, p. 285
  2. "Chronicle of the Kings of England", William of Malmesbury, page 64
  3. "The History of the Franks" IV.9, by Gregory of Tours
