Artin's theorem on induced characters

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In representation theory, a branch of mathematics, Artin's theorem, introduced by E. Artin, states that a character on a finite group is a rational linear combination of characters induced from all cyclic subgroups of the group.


There is a similar but somehow more precise theorem due to Brauer, which says that the theorem remains true if "rational" and "cyclic subgroup" are replaced with "integer" and "elementary subgroup".


In Linear Representation of Finite Groups Serre states in Chapter 9.2, 17 [1] the theorem in the following, more general way:

Let finite group, family of subgroups.

Then the following are equivalent:

This in turn implies the general statement, by choosing as all cyclic subgroups of .


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  1. Serre, Jean-Pierre (1977). Linear Representations of Finite Groups. New York, NY: Springer New York. ISBN   978-1-4684-9458-7. OCLC   853264255.

Further reading