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Banawa may refer to:

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The Banawá are an indigenous group living along the Banawá River in the Amazonas State, Brazil. Their territory is between the Juruá and Purus Rivers. Approximately 158 Banawá people live in one major village and two smaller settlements containing a single extended family each. The Banawá, who call themselves Kitiya, speak Banawá, a dialect of the Madi language.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Donggala Regency</span> Regency in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

Donggala Regency is a regency in the Central Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. It lies between 0° 30" north and 2°20" south latitude, and between 119° 45°" and 121° 45" east longitude, and covers a land area of 5,275.69 km2. It had a population of 277,236 at the 2010 Census and 300,436 at the 2020 Census; the official estimate as at mid 2022 was 305,890. The administrative capital of Donggala Regency is the town of Banawa, located a 30-minute drive (34 km) northwest from the city of Palu, the capital of the province.

Banjar may refer to:

Pattani may refer to:

Tanga may refer to:

Jati or JATI may refer to:

Jafi or JAFI may refer to:

Alor may refer to:

Piru may refer to:

Bodo may refer to:

Turi or TURI may refer to:

Tira may refer to:

Singapore is an island city-state in Southeast Asia.

Ratu usually refers to a title used by Fijians of chiefly rank, and also to Javanese word to refer the leaders, especially kings or nobles. Ratu is also a word from Indonesian language which means "queen".

Panara may refer to:

Mandar may refer to:

Baniwa (Baniva) is a name applied to several languages of the Amazon. It may refer to:

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Benawa</span>

Benawa or banawa is a type of ship from Gowa, an old principality in the southwest corner of Sulawesi, Indonesia. The earliest record of this vessel is from Hikayat Banjar, which was written in or not long after 1663. In the present, this vessel is already extinct; being replaced by vessels with a similar hull, namely palari and padewakang.