Begun is a surname. Notable people with the name include:
Belyayev (masculine) or Belyayeva (feminine) is a Russian patronymic surname derived from the nickname Belyay/Belyai (Беляй), for white (blond) hair.
Kravchenko, also Krawchenko, Krawczenko or Kravtchenko is a common Ukrainian surname, widely found in the former Soviet Union and respective diasporas abroad. It is an occupational surname of patronymic derivation, based on the occupation of kravets (кравець), or 'tailor' and literally meaning "child of tailor". Other Ukrainian surnames of similar derivation are Kravchuk and Kravets.
Chebotaryov (masculine) or Chebotaryova (feminine) is a Russian surname. It is also spelled "Chebotarov", "Chebotarev", "Tschebotaröw", "Чеботарёв" (Russian), "Чоботарьов" (Ukrainian). Notable people with the surname include:
Petrenko is a patronymic surname of Slavic origin derived from the first name Petro and effectively means of Peter/Peter's. Notable people with the surname include:
Biryukov and Biryukova is a common Russian surname derived from the word "бирюк".
Pavlichenko, Paulichenka or Paŭličenka is a Ukrainian surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Shahnawaz may refer to:
Kovalevich is a Slavic surname used in Russian and Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Polish cultures.
Belyakov or Belyakova, is a Russian surname, also transliterated as Beliakov and Beliakoff. It may refer to:
Volchek is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Belenky, feminine: Belenkaya is a Russian-language surname, typically of people of Jewish origin. In 1972 it was the 14th most common Jewish surname in Moscow and the 16th in Leningrad.
Portnov is a Russian-language occupational surname derived from the occupation of portnoy, "tailor" and literally meaning "<child> of the tailor".
Volkovich is a Russian-language surname of Ruthenian origin, also adopted by Ashkenazi Jews. The Polonized form is Wolkowicz, Ukrainian: Vovkovych. Modern Belarusian: Vawkovich/Vaukovich, transliterated from Russian: Valkovich. Notable people with the surname include:
Stetsenko is a Ukrainian surname. Outside of Ukraine, it is also prevalent in Russia and found in the United States.
Yaşaroğlu or Yasaroglu is a Turkish surname. It is the patronymic of the masculine Turkish given name Yaşar. People with the surname include:
Stolyarchuk is a Russian and Ukrainian language surname derived from the occupation of stolyar and literally meaning "son of carpenter". Notable people with this surname include:
Petrusevičius is the Lithuanian-language form of the Polish surname Petrusewicz. Feminine forms: Petruševičienė, Petrusevičiūtė
Petrovsky (masculine) and its feminine form Petrovskaya are Russian-language surnames. People with the surname include:
Pavliuchenkov is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Pavlovsky is a Russian-language surname. The Ukrainian-language variant is Павловський, Pavlovskiy. Notable people with the surname include: