The Belfast Breadservers' Trade Union represents people working in retail bakers in Northern Ireland.
The union was founded in 1896. Its membership varied dramatically over time, from 150 in 1897 to only 15 in 1899, then 340 in 1911. [1]
It merged with the Transport and General Workers' Union in 1924, [2] when it had about 500 members. However, it kept its identity within the TGWU.
The union is usually referred to in TGWU documents as the Belfast Breadservers' Association, although its 1923 rulebook gives the correct name as Belfast Breadservers' Trade Union, a name which it was still using in the late 1960s.
The Transport and General Workers' Union was one of the largest general trade unions in the United Kingdom and Ireland – where it was known as the Amalgamated Transport and General Workers' Union (ATGWU) to differentiate itself from the Irish Transport and General Workers' Union – with 900,000 members. It was founded in 1922 and Ernest Bevin served as its first general secretary.
The National Transport Workers' Federation (NTWF) was an association of British trade unions. It was formed in 1910 to co-ordinate the activities of various organisations catering for dockers, seamen, tramwaymen and road transport workers.
The Workers' Union was a general union based in the United Kingdom, but with some branches in other countries. During the 1910s, it was the largest general union in the UK, but it entered a rapid decline in the 1920s, and eventually became part of the Transport and General Workers' Union (TGWU).
The Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians (UCATT) was a British and Irish trade union, operating in the construction industry. It was founded in 1971, and merged into Unite on 1 January 2017.
John Cliff was the first Assistant General Secretary of the Transport and General Workers' Union and later a prominent London Transport board member.
The Amalgamated Society of Watermen, Lightermen and Bargemen was a trade union in the United Kingdom.
The Amalgamated Carters, Lurrymen and Motormen's Union was a trade union representing commercial road transport workers in the north of England.
The United Order of General Labourers was a trade union representing labourers, mostly in the construction industry, in the United Kingdom.
The Belfast Operative Bakers' Union was a trade union representing bakery workers in Northern Ireland.
The Power Loom Tenters' Trade Union of Ireland was a trade union representing workers involved in stretching linen being manufactured in the Belfast area of Ireland.
The Belfast Journeymen Butchers' Association was a trade union in the United Kingdom. The union was established in 1891 and grew to a peak membership of 190 in 1910. It merged with the Amalgamated Transport and General Workers' Union (ATGWU) in 1937.
The National Amalgamated Union of Enginemen, Firemen, Mechanics, Motormen and Electrical Workers was a trade union in the United Kingdom. It represented stationary engine drivers and cranemen in a wide variety of industries, as well as less skilled workers in the electrical industry and miscellaneous workers.
The National Union of Shale Miners and Oil Workers was a trade union in the United Kingdom. It merged with the Transport and General Workers' Union in 1962.
The National Association of Operative Plasterers (NAOP) was a trade union representing plasterers in the United Kingdom.
The National Union of Vehicle Builders (NUVB) was a trade union in the United Kingdom. The NUVB represented a mixture of skilled and unskilled workers in the automotive industry.
The National Union of Dyers, Bleachers and Textile Workers (NUDBTW) was a trade union in the United Kingdom.
The General Council of the Trades Union Congress is an elected body which is responsible for carrying out the policies agreed at the annual British Trade Union Congresses (TUC).
The South Side Labour Protection League was a trade union organising dock porters and stevedores in the United Kingdom.
The Transport and General Workers' Union (TGWU) was a trade union representing transport workers, and at times workers in other sectors, in South Africa.