Last updated
Content Profile/Linked Document
Year started2018
First published2023
Organization ANSI/NISO
Committee www.niso.org/standards-committees/cpld
EditorsRinke Hoekstra
Base standards HTML, JSON-LD,
Related standards RDF, IRI, W3C Publication Manifest
Website www.niso.org/publications/z39105-2023-cpld

The CP/LD format defines a flexible, extensible, machine readable format that links HTML5 documents with content to JSON-LD graphs for the data and semantics. [1]


The Linked Document part of the standard outlines the minimal characteristics of documents, whereas the Content Profile part describes how to extend and refine rules for specific use cases.



A example of a minimal document is:

<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang="en"><head><linkrel="schema.dcterms"href="http://purl.org/dc/terms/"/><basehref="https://example.com/minimal"/><metaname="id"content="https://example.com/minimal"/><metaname="dcterms.conformsTo"content="https://w3id.org/cpld/"/><title>Minimal Linked Document</title><scripttype="application/ld+json">{"@context":{"@vocab":"http://schema.org/","doc":"https://example.com/minimal#","ex":"https:example.com/narrativeStructure/"},"@graph":{"@id":"https://example.com/minimal","schema:conformsTo":"https://w3id.org/cpld/","@type":"schema:Article","schema:hasPart":[{"@id":"doc:e1","@type":"ex:Introduction"}]}}</script></head><body><h1id="e0">Minimal document</h1><pid="e1">Hello World</p></body></html>

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  1. "ANSI/NISO Z39.105-2023, Content Profile/Linked Document | NISO website".