CRISPR/Cas tools

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CRISPR-Cas design tools are computer software platforms and bioinformatics tools used to facilitate the design of guide RNAs (gRNAs) for use with the CRISPR/Cas gene editing system.



The CRISPR/Cas (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR associated nucleases) system was originally discovered to be an acquired immune response mechanism used by archaea and bacteria. It has since been adopted for use as a tool in the genetic engineering of higher organisms.

Designing an appropriate gRNA is an important element of genome editing with the CRISPR/Cas system. A gRNA can and at times does have unintended interactions ("off-targets") with other locations of the genome of interest. For a given candidate gRNA, these tools report its list of potential off-targets in the genome thereby allowing the designer to evaluate its suitability prior to embarking on any experiments.

Scientists have also begun exploring the mechanics of the CRISPR/Cas system and what governs how good, or active, a gRNA is at directing the Cas nuclease to a specific location of the genome of interest. [1] [2] As a result of this work, new methods of assessing a gRNA for its 'activity' have been published, [1] [2] and it is now best practice to consider both the unintended interactions of a gRNA as well as the predicted activity of a gRNA at the design stage.


The below table lists available tools and their attributes.

List of CRISPR-Cas design tools
Tool NameProviderSearches whole genome for targetsReturns all targets of genomeSeed span and location can be definedMaximum number of mismatches supportedPredicts gRNA activityAvailable Protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) sequencesAnnotation is reportedgRNA suggestion or scoringRef.
CRISPRon, CRISPRoff Center for non-coding RNA in Technology and Health, University of Copenhagen YesYesYesAllYesNGG, NGA, NAGYesYes, [3] [4]
Invitrogen TrueDesign Genome Editor Thermo Fisher Scientific YesYesNo3NoNGGYesYes [5]
Breaking-Cas Spanish National Center for Biotechnology Yes (over 1000 genomes)YesYes (by weights)4NoUser customizableYesYes [6]
Cas-OFFinder Seoul National University YesYesNo0-10NoNGG, NRG, NNAGAAW, NNNNGMTTNoYes [7]
CASTING Caagle YesYesNo3NoNGG and NAGNoYes [8]
CRISPy Technical University of Denmark YesYesNoAllNoNGGYesYes [9]
CCTop University of Heidelberg YesYesPartial5 (0-5)YesNGG, NRG, NNGRRT, NNNNGATT, NNAGAAW, NAAAACYesYes [10]
CHOPCHOP Harvard University YesYesPartial0, 2NoNGG, NNAGAA, NNNNGANNNoYes [11]
CHOPCHOP v2 University of Bergen YesYesYes3 (0-3)YesUser customizableYesYes [12]
CRISPOR University of California, Santa Cruz TEFOR Yes (over 200 genomes)YesNo4YesNGG, NGA, NGCG, NNAGAA, NGGNG, NNGRRT, NNNRRT, NNNNGMTT, NNNNACA, TTTNYesYes [13]
CRISPR Design Zhang Lab, MIT YesNoNo4NoNGG and NAGmRNA exonsYes [14]
CRISPRdirect Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS)Yes (over 200 species)YesNoAny numberNoNNNYesYes [15]
CRISPRscanGiraldez Lab, Yale YesYesNo4YesNGG, TTTV, TTTNYesYes [16]
CRISPRseek Bioconductor YesYesNoAny numberNoUser customizablemRNA exonsYes [17]
DESKGEN Desktop Genetics YesYesYesAny numberYesFully user customizableYesYes [18]
GuideScan GuideScan YesYesYes3 on website and customizable with command lineYesNGG/NAG on website and customizable with command lineYesYes [19]
GT-Scan CSIRO & EMBL-ABR YesYesYes3 (0-3)NoUser customizableLinks to Ensembl genome browserYes [20]
Off-Spotter Thomas Jefferson University YesYesYes0-5NGG, NAG, NNNNACA, NNGRRT (R is A or G) mRNA exons, unspliced mRNA, mRNA, 5'UTR, CDS, 3'UTR, unspliced lincRNA, lincRNAUser customizable [21]
sgRNA Designer Broad Institute NoNoNo0YesNGGCDS (if searching by transcript ID)Yes [1]
Synthego Design Tool Synthego Yes (over 120,000 genomes)No (Optimized for Knockout)Yes3YesNGGYes (RefSeq, Ensembl, Gencode)Yes [22]
VARSCOT CSIRO YesYesNo0-8YesUser customizableNoYes [24]
CRISPR Targeted Gene Designer Horizon Discovery [ permanent dead link ]Yes, Multipleyesyes4YesNGG, NNGRRT, YTTV, otherYesYes(21)
GuideMaker United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service Yes, any user supplied genomeYesYes0-5YesAny PAM site and PAM orientationYesYes [25]
WGE Wellcome Sanger Institute Yes, human and mouse reference genomesYesYes4 (0-4)NoNGGYesYes [26]

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A protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) is a 2–6-base pair DNA sequence immediately following the DNA sequence targeted by the Cas9 nuclease in the CRISPR bacterial adaptive immune system. The PAM is a component of the invading virus or plasmid, but is not found in the bacterial host genome and hence is not a component of the bacterial CRISPR locus. Cas9 will not successfully bind to or cleave the target DNA sequence if it is not followed by the PAM sequence. PAM is an essential targeting component which distinguishes bacterial self from non-self DNA, thereby preventing the CRISPR locus from being targeted and destroyed by the CRISPR-associated nuclease.

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J. Keith Joung is an American pathologist and molecular biologist who holds the Robert B. Colvin Endowed Chair in Pathology at Massachusetts General Hospital and is Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School. He is a leading figure in the field of genome editing and has pioneered the development of designer nucleases and sensitive off-target detection methods.

Off-target genome editing refers to nonspecific and unintended genetic modifications that can arise through the use of engineered nuclease technologies such as: clustered, regularly interspaced, short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-Cas9, transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALEN), meganucleases, and zinc finger nucleases (ZFN). These tools use different mechanisms to bind a predetermined sequence of DNA (“target”), which they cleave, creating a double-stranded chromosomal break (DSB) that summons the cell's DNA repair mechanisms and leads to site-specific modifications. If these complexes do not bind at the target, often a result of homologous sequences and/or mismatch tolerance, they will cleave off-target DSB and cause non-specific genetic modifications. Specifically, off-target effects consist of unintended point mutations, deletions, insertions inversions, and translocations.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">CRISPR gene editing</span> Gene editing method

CRISPR gene editing (CRISPR, pronounced, refers to a clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats") is a genetic engineering technique in molecular biology by which the genomes of living organisms may be modified. It is based on a simplified version of the bacterial CRISPR-Cas9 antiviral defense system. By delivering the Cas9 nuclease complexed with a synthetic guide RNA (gRNA) into a cell, the cell's genome can be cut at a desired location, allowing existing genes to be removed or new ones added in vivo.

GUIDE-Seq is a molecular biology technique that allows for the unbiased in vitro detection of off-target genome editing events in DNA caused by CRISPR/Cas9 as well as other RNA-guided nucleases in living cells. Similar to LAM-PCR, it employs multiple PCRs to amplify regions of interest that contain a specific insert that preferentially integrates into double-stranded breaks. As gene therapy is an emerging field, GUIDE-Seq has gained traction as a cheap method to detect the off-target effects of potential therapeutics without needing whole genome sequencing.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">CRISPR RNA</span> RNA transcript from the CRISPR locus

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