Canadian Private Copying Collective

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The Canadian Private Copying Collective is a Canadian non-profit/non-government organization created in 1999 to collect and distribute private copying royalties in the music industry. The organization represents songwriters, recording artists, music publishers and recording companies. Issues are brought before the Copyright Board of Canada.

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The Copyright Act is the federal statute governing copyright law in Canada. It is jointly administered by the Department of Industry Canada and the Department of Canadian Heritage. The Copyright Act was first passed in 1921 and substantially amended in 1988 and 1997. Several attempts were made between 2005 and 2011 to amend the Act, but each of the bills failed to pass due to political opposition. In 2011, with a majority in the House of Commons, the Conservative Party introduced Bill C-11, titled the Copyright Modernization Act. Bill C-11 was passed and received Royal Assent on June 29, 2012.

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