Cardinals created by Paul II

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Pope Paul II (1417-71). Pietrobarbo.jpg
Pope Paul II (1417-71).

Pope Paul II (r. 14641471) created ten cardinals in two consistories.

Pope Paul II pope

Pope Paul II, born Pietro Barbo, was Pope from 30 August 1464 to his death in 1471.

College of Cardinals body of all cardinals of the Catholic Church

The College of Cardinals, formerly styled the Sacred College of Cardinals, is the body of all cardinals of the Catholic Church. Its membership is 222, as of 14 March 2019. Cardinals are appointed by the Pope for life. Changes in life expectancy partly account for the increases in the size of the College.


18 September 1467

Oliviero Carafa (1430-1511), made a cardinal on September 18, 1467. Oliviero Carafa.jpg
Oliviero Carafa (1430-1511), made a cardinal on September 18, 1467.
Amico Agnifili (d. 1478), made a cardinal on September 18, 1467. Amico Agnifili.jpg
Amico Agnifili (d. 1478), made a cardinal on September 18, 1467.

Stephen Várdai was a Hungarian Roman Catholic bishop and cardinal.

Oliviero Carafa Catholic cardinal

Oliviero Carafa, in Latin: Oliverius Carafa, was an Italian cardinal and diplomat of the Renaissance. Like the majority of his era's prelates, he displayed the lavish and conspicuous standard of living that was expected of a prince of the Church. In his career he set an example of conscientiousness for his contemporaries and mentored his relative, Giovanni Pietro Carafa, who was also "Cardinal Carafa" from 1536 to 1555, when he became Pope Paul IV.

Amico Agnifili Italian Roman Catholic bishop and cardinal

Amico Agnifili was an Italian Roman Catholic bishop and cardinal.

21 November 1468

Giovanni Battista Zeno was a cardinal of the Catholic Church.

Giovanni Michiel Italian cardinal

Giovanni Michiel was an Italian Roman Catholic cardinal and bishop.


  1. On that day he was still deacon of S. Maria in Portico, see Ulrich Schwartz: Die Karnalsfamiliaren und Wettbewerb, (in:) Kurie und Region, ed. Brigitte Flug, Michael Matheus, Andreas Rehberg, Franz Steiner Verlag 2005, p. 135-136.
  2. See Ulrich Schwartz: Die Karnalsfamiliaren und Wettbewerb, (in:) Kurie und Region, ed. Brigitte Flug, Michael Matheus, Andreas Rehberg, Franz Steiner Verlag 2005, p. 147.

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  11. Jean Gilles, papal legate in the ecclesiastical provinces of Cologne, Reims and Trier − cardinal-deacon of SS. Cosma e Damiano, † 1 July 1408
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