Chaplygin's theorem

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In mathematical theory of differential equations the Chaplygin's theorem (Chaplygin's method) states about existence and uniqueness of the solution to an initial value problem for the first order explicit ordinary differential equation. This theorem was stated by Sergey Chaplygin. [1] It is one of many comparison theorems.


Important definitions

Consider an initial value problem: differential equation

in ,

with an initial condition


For the initial value problem described above the upper boundary solution and the lower boundary solution are the functions and respectively, both of which are smooth in and continous in , such as the following inequalities are true:

  1. ;
  2. and for .

Statement [2] [3]

Given the aforementioned initial value problem and respective upper boundary solution and lower boundary solution for . If the right part

  1. is continous in , ;
  2. satisfies the Lipschitz condition over variable between functions and : there exists constant such as for every , , the inequality


then in there exists one and only one solution for the given initial value problem and moreover for all


Remarks [2]

Weakning inequalities

Inside inequalities within both of definitions of the upper boundary solution and the lower boundary solution signs of inequalities (all at once) can be altered to unstrict. As a result, inequalities sings at Chaplygin's theorem concusion would change to unstrict by and respectively. In particular, any of , could be chosen.

Proving inequality only

If is already known to be an existent soltion for the initial value problem in , the Lipschitz condition requirement can be omitted entirely for proving the resulting inequality. There exists applications for this method while researching whether the solution is stable or not ( [2] , pp. 7–9). This is often called "Differential inequality method" in literature [4] [5] and, for example, Grönwall's inequality can be proven using this technique. [5]

Continuation of the solution towards positive infinity

Chaplygin's theorem answers the question about existence and uniqueness of the solution in and the constant from the Lipschitz condition is, generally speaking, dependent on : . If for both functions and retain their smoothness and for a set is bounded, the theorem holds for all .

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  1. Bogolubov, Alexey (1983). Математики. Механики. Биографический справочник[Mathematicians. Mechanics. Biographical handbook.] (in Russian) (1st ed.). Kiev, Ukraine: Киев: Наукова думка. pp. 515–516. ISBN   978-5-906923-56-1.
  2. 1 2 3 Vasilyeva, Adelaida (2007). "Теоремы сравнения. Метод дифференциальных неравенств Чаплыгина" [Comparison theorems. Chaplygin's differential inequalities method.](PDF). Кафедра математики физического факультета МГУ (in Russian). pp. 4–5. Retrieved 2024-08-28.
  3. Nefedov, Nikolay (2019-06-09). "Дифференциальные уравнения -- Лекции" [Differential equations -- Lections](PDF). Teach-In (in Russian). Retrieved 2024-08-28.
  4. Nefedov, Nikolay (2016). "Обыкновенные дифференциальные уравнения. Курс лекций" [Ordinary differential equations. Lection series.](PDF). Кафедра математики физического факультета МГУ (in Russian). p. 60. Retrieved 2024-08-30.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  5. 1 2 Hale, Jack (1980). Ordinary differential equations. Pure and applied Mathematics (2nd ed.). Malabar, Fla: Krieger. pp. 30–37. ISBN   978-0-89874-011-0.

Further reading

  1. Komlenko, Yuriy (1967-09-01). "Chaplygin's theorem for a second-order linear differential equation with lagging argument". Mathematical Notes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 2 (3): 666–669. doi:10.1007/BF01094057. ISSN   1573-8876.