The Co-operative Party is a political party in the United Kingdom.
Co-operative Party may also refer to:
A cooperative is "an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise". Cooperatives are democratically controlled by their members, with each member having one vote in electing the board of directors. Cooperatives may include:
The Co-operative Commonwealth Federation was a federal democratic socialist and social-democratic political party in Canada. The CCF was founded in 1932 in Calgary, Alberta, by a number of socialist, agrarian, co-operative, and labour groups, and the League for Social Reconstruction. In 1944, the CCF formed one of the first social-democratic governments in North America when it was elected to form the provincial government in Saskatchewan.
The Regina Manifesto was the programme of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) and was adopted at the first national convention of the CCF held in Regina, Saskatchewan, in 1933. The primary goal of the Regina Manifesto was to eradicate the system of capitalism and replace it with a planned socialist economy. The CCF was a Canadian democratic socialist party founded in 1932 by farmers, workers, and socialist groups against the backdrop of the Great Depression.
KF is a federation of consumer co-operatives in Sweden and a retail group, with groceries as its core business.
Co-operative Commonwealth may refer to:
A worker cooperative is a cooperative owned and self-managed by its workers. This control may mean a firm where every worker-owner participates in decision-making in a democratic fashion, or it may refer to one in which management is elected by every worker-owner who each have one vote.
A consumers' co-operative is an enterprise owned by consumers and managed democratically and that aims at fulfilling the needs and aspirations of its members. Such co-operatives operate within the market system, independently of the state, as a form of mutual aid, oriented toward service rather than pecuniary profit. Many cooperatives, however, do have a degree of profit orientation. Just like other corporations, some cooperatives issue dividends to owners based on a share of total net profit or earnings ; or based on a percentage of the total amount of purchases made by the owner. Regardless of whether they issue a dividend or not, most consumers’ cooperatives will offer owners discounts and preferential access to good and services.
Coop, COOP, Co-op, or variation, most often refers to:
Cooperative economics is a field of economics that incorporates cooperative studies and political economy toward the study and management of cooperatives.
A student housing cooperative, also known as co-operative housing, is a housing cooperative for student members. Members live in alternative cooperative housing that they personally own and maintain. These houses are designed to lower housing costs while providing an educational and community environment for students to live and grow in. They are, in general, nonprofit, communal, and self-governing, with students pooling their monetary and personal resources to create a community style home. Many student housing cooperatives share operation and governing of the house. As with most cooperatives, student housing coops follow the Rochdale Principles and promote collaboration and community work done by the members for mutual benefit.
The Co-operative branding may refer to:
The Cooperative NATCCO Party (Coop-NATCCO) is a party-list in the Philippines which serves as the electoral wing of the National Confederation of Cooperatives (NATCCO). Coop-NATCCO has represented the Philippine co-operative sector in the Philippine 11th Congress since 1998 when the party won a seat in the House of Representatives in the first ever national party-list election held in the country that year. Coop-NATCCO has continued to win a seat in Congress in the succeeding party-list elections.
Co-operative Bank or Cooperative Bank may refer to:
Labour Party or Labor Party is a name used by many political parties.
People's Coop or People's Co-op or variation, may refer to:
A cooperative is an association of persons who cooperate for their mutual benefit.
Co-operative University or similar, may refer to:
Cooperative School, or variant, may refer to: