A curse is a spell or incantation intended to harm.
Curse(s) may also refer to:
Strike may refer to:
Action may refer to:
Parallel may refer to:
A doppelgänger is an apparition or double of a living person in folklore and fiction.
Creature often refers to:
Zero is both the digit 0 and the number 0.
Unknown or The Unknown may refer to:
Bubble, Bubbles or The Bubble may refer to:
A shadow is a region of darkness where light is blocked.
An assassin is a person who commits targeted murder.
Avatar is a concept in Hinduism representing a material manifestation of a deity.
Wizard, the wizard, or wizards may refer to:
A robot is a virtual or mechanical artificial agent, usually an electro-mechanical machine.
Split(s) or The Split may refer to:
A gun is an object that propels a projectile through a hollow tube, primarily as weaponry.
Girl Next Door, or variants, may refer to:
Destiny is a predetermined course of events or fixed natural order of the universe.
Poison is a substance that causes injury, illness, or death.
Boo or BOO may refer to:
A root is the part of a plant, generally underground, that anchors the plant body, and absorbs and stores water and nutrients.