A dead man's switch is a device used as a fail-safe.
Dead man's switch may also refer to:
Abduction may refer to:
Regeneration may refer to:
Sentence(s) or The Sentence may refer to:
The Outer Limits or Outer Limits may refer to:
Judgment Day is another name for the Last Judgment in the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
A nightmare is a frightening dream.
A glitch is a short-lived fault in a system.
Music of the Spheres or Musica universalis is an ancient philosophical concept that regards proportions in the movements of celestial bodies as a form of music.
"The Human Factor" is an episode of the original The Outer Limits television show. It first aired on 11 November 1963, during the first season. The title was re-used in 2002 for an episode with an unrelated plot.
Lion's Den or Lions' Den may refer to:
"The Forms of Things Unknown" is an episode of the original The Outer Limits television show. It first aired on May 4, 1964, and was the final episode of the first season. It was filmed in a dual format as both a regular episode of The Outer Limits and as a pilot episode for a possible series called The Unknown. The opening and closing narration listed here are only in The Unknown version and not in the broadcast The Outer Limits episode. There are plot differences between the two versions as well.
Fear Itself may refer to:
A Stitch in Time may refer to:
The Hunt may refer to:
A premonition is a feeling that some event will happen, typically a forewarning of something unwelcome.
Fun and Games may refer to:
Father and Son or Fathers and Sons may refer to:
The Outer Limits is an American television series that was broadcast on ABC from September 16, 1963, to January 16, 1965, at 7:30 PM Eastern Time on Mondays. It is often compared to The Twilight Zone, but with a greater emphasis on science fiction stories. It is an anthology of self-contained episodes, sometimes with plot twists at their ends.
The Invisible Enemy may refer to:
Beholder may refer to: