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In programming, a docblock or DocBlock is a specially formatted comment specified in source code that is used to document a specific segment of code. This makes the DocBlock format independent of the target language (as long as it supports comments); however, it may also lead to multiple or inconsistent standards.


Implementation examples


/// <summary>Adds two integers together.</summary>/// <param name="a">First integer.</param>/// <param name="b">Second integer.</param>/// <returns>Sum of integers a and b.</returns>intSum(inta,intb){returna+b;}


/** * Adds two integers together * * @param a First integer * @param b Second integer * @return Sum of integers a and b */intsum(inta,intb){returna+b;}


<?php/** * Adds two integers together * * @param int $a First integer * @param int $b Second integer * @return int Sum of integers $a and $b */functionsum(int$a,int$b):int{return$a+$b;}


defsum(a:int,b:int)->int"""Adds two integers together.    Args:      a: First integer.      b: Second integer.    Returns:      Sum of the two integers.    """returna+b


/** * Adds two numbers together. * @param {number} a First number. * @param {number} b Second number. * @returns {number} Sum of numbers a and b */constadd=(a,b)=>a+b;


### This class represents an arbitrary shape by a series of points.classShape### Creates a new shape described by a +polyline+.## If the +polyline+ does not end at the same point it started at the# first pointed is copied and placed at the end of the line.## An ArgumentError is raised if the line crosses itself, but shapes may# be concave.definitializepolyline# ...endend


/// Adds two numbers together.////// # Examples////// ```/// let result = sum(5, 5);/// ```fnsum(a: u64,b: u64)-> u64{a+b}

See also

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