Dwarf eelgrass

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Dwarf eelgrass is a common name for several plants and may refer to:

Zostera japonica, dwarf eelgrass or Japanese eelgrass, is a species of eelgrass native to the seacoast of eastern Asia from Russia to Vietnam, and introduced to the western coast of North America. It is found in the intertidal zone and the shallow subtidal, and grows on sandy, muddy and silty substrates.

<i>Zostera noltei</i> species of plant

Zostera noltii is a species of seagrass known by the common name dwarf eelgrass. It is found in shallow coastal waters in north western Europe, the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Caspian Sea and Aral Sea and on islands in the Atlantic off the coast of northwest Africa. It is an important part of the intertidal and shallow subtidal ecosystems of estuaries, bays and lagoons.

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Z. japonica may refer to:

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