EDXL Sharp

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EDXL Sharp is a C# / .NET 3.5 implementation of the OASIS Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) family of standards. The purpose of these libraries is to allow developers to:

The Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) is a global nonprofit consortium that works on the development, convergence, and adoption of open standards for security, Internet of Things, energy, content technologies, emergency management, and other areas.

The Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) is a suite of XML-based messaging standards that facilitate emergency information sharing between government entities and the full range of emergency-related organizations. EDXL standardizes messaging formats for communications between these parties. EDXL was developed as a royalty-free standard by the OASIS International Open Standards Consortium.


About the project

EDXL Sharp is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license and is part of a collaborative research project of The MITRE Corporation.

Apache License Free software license developed by the ASF

The Apache License is a permissive free software license written by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). The Apache License, Version 2.0 requires preservation of the copyright notice and disclaimer. Like other free software licenses, the license allows the user of the software the freedom to use the software for any purpose, to distribute it, to modify it, and to distribute modified versions of the software, under the terms of the license, without concern for royalties. This makes the Apache License a FRAND-RF license. The ASF and its projects release the software they produce under the Apache License. The license is also used by many non-ASF projects.

Mitre Corporation company

The Mitre Corporation is an American not-for-profit organization based in Bedford, Massachusetts, and McLean, Virginia. It manages federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs) supporting several U.S. government agencies.

What's in EDXL Sharp

Version 1.0 includes the following:

  1. Library for CAP (Common Alerting Protocol) v1.2
  2. Library for Common Types across the EDXL Standards
  3. Library for EDXL-DE (Distribution Element) v1.0
  4. Library for EDXL-HAVE (Hospital Availability Exchange) v1.0
  5. Library for EDXL-RM (Resource Message) v1.0
  6. Graphical User Interface (GUI) EDXL-DE Test Tool
  7. Library for GeoOASIS Where GML Profile
  8. Library for EDXL xPIL (Extensible Party Information Language) Profile
  9. Beta Library for EDXL-SitRep (Situation Reporting)
  10. Beta Library for EDXL-TEP (Tracking of Emergency Patients)

As of August 2010 the 2.0 version is released. Some of the draft standards implementations are in a separate source tree branch as stable alphas.

Online Testbed

This effort is a part of a larger interoperability testbed. The interop testbed serves as an online presence for learning about EDXL, how to implement systems using EDXL, online validation and information sharing tools, and a place to perform integration with other systems that use EDXL.

See also

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