Ear instillation

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Ear instillation is the process of introducing otic medication or other liquids into the ear canal. Proper care is needed in delivering such liquids.

Indications for ear instillation

Contraindications for ear instillation

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Conductive hearing loss

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A myringotomy, sometimes called by other names, is a surgical procedure in which a tiny incision is created in the eardrum to relieve pressure caused by excessive buildup of fluid, or to drain pus from the middle ear. A tympanostomy tube is inserted into the eardrum to keep the middle ear aerated for a prolonged time and to prevent reaccumulation of fluid. Without the insertion of a tube, the incision usually heals spontaneously in two to three weeks. Depending on the type, the tube is either naturally extruded in 6 to 12 months or removed during a minor procedure.

Ear pain Pain in the ear

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Tympanostomy tube

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