Edinburgh Engineering Virtual Library (EEVL) project was started in August 1995 and the core database went live in September 1996. Its objective was to provide a free guide to specialist engineering resources to UK higher education institutions. It focused primarily on UK based resources. It was part of the Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib) which was funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) The main team was based at Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh, with additional input from staff at the University of Edinburgh, Imperial College, Cambridge University, Nottingham Trent University, Sheffield University, Cranfield University and the IEE.
Resources were classified using a scheme based on Ei codes. An abstract and keywords were also provided for each item. The main subject classifications used were: Aerospace & Defence Engineering, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Engineering General, Engineering Design, Environmental Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Related Industries, Mining, Nanotechnology, Petroleum & Offshore Engineering. As the number of resources increased these headings were divided into subheadings as necessary.
EEVL also classified resources by type. The types used were: Commercial, Society/Institution, Higher Education, Resource Guide/Directory, E-journal/Newsletter, Governmental, Document, Research Project/Centr, Mailing/Discussion List, Software, Database/Databank, Training Materials, Reference, Recruitment/Employment, Patents/Standards, Conference/Meeting Announcements, Frequently Asked Questions, Video, Library Catalogues
EEVL also provided additional services such as a search engine for electronic journals, EESE.
In 1999 the project expanded to become an Engineering, Mathematics and Computing (EMC) Hub as part of the Resource Discovery Network.
In 2006 it became Intute Engineering as the RDN Hubs merged to form Intute.
The United States' National Science Digital Library (NSDL) is an open-access online digital library and collaborative network of disciplinary and grade-level focused education providers. NSDL's mission is to provide quality digital learning collections to the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education community, both formal and informal, institutional and individual. NSDL's collections are refined by a network of STEM educational and disciplinary professionals. Their work is based on user data, disciplinary knowledge, and participation in the evolution of digital resources as major elements of effective STEM learning.
The School of Informatics is an academic unit of the University of Edinburgh, in Scotland, responsible for research, teaching, outreach and commercialisation in informatics. It was created in 1998 from the former Department of Artificial Intelligence, the Centre for Cognitive Science and the Department of Computer Science, along with the Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute (AIAI) and the Human Communication Research Centre.
Istanbul Contemporary Art Museum (iS.CaM) is an independent, artist run museum established in Istanbul in 1997. It is the oldest contemporary art museum in Istanbul. iS.CaM an alternative art organisation that develops, evolves and collaborates with other institutions and networks. One of its tenets is that art and education should go together hand in hand. In terms of the Internet it is pioneering, including the establishment of the Web Biennial, a Biennial entirely on the Internet. The founder is conceptual artist Genco Gulan and the chief curator is Dr. Marcus Graf. We collaborate with Galata Perform in many projects.
African studies is the study of Africa, especially the continent's cultures and societies. The field includes the study of Africa's history, demography, culture, politics, economy, languages, and religion. A specialist in African studies is often referred to as an "africanist". A key focus of the discipline is to interrogate epistemological approaches, theories and methods in traditional disciplines using a critical lens that inserts African-centred ways of knowing and references.
The National Institute of Technology Durgapur is a public technical university located in Durgapur, West Bengal, India, was formerly known as the Regional Engineering College, Durgapur.
The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, commonly referred to as the Dick Vet, is the veterinary school of the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and part of the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine the head of which is Sir John Savill. David Argyle has been head of the school since 1 November 2011.
Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL) works with libraries worldwide to enable access to digital information for people in developing and transition countries. They are an international not-for-profit organisation based in Vilnius with a global network of partners.
Intute was a free Web service aimed at students, teachers, and researchers in UK further education and higher education. Intute provided access to online resources, via a large database of resources. Each resource was reviewed by an academic specialist in the subject, who wrote a short review of between 100 and 200 words, and described via various metadata fields what type of resource it was, who created it, who its intended audience was, what time-period or geographical area the resource covered, and so on. As of July 2010, Intute provided 123,519 records. Funding was stopped in 2011, and the site closed.
The Ahlul Bayt Digital Library Project , established in 1996, is a non-profit Islamic organization that features work from a group of volunteers operating throughout the world. It operates the website Al-Islam.org, whose primary objective is to digitize and present quality resources related to history, law, and society of the Islamic religion and its personalities, with particular emphasis on the Twelver Shi'ah Islamic school of thought. Al-Islam.org is a site which also serves as a means of introducing Islam to non-Muslims.
The Digital Classicist is a community of those interested in the application of digital humanities to the field of classics and to ancient world studies more generally. The project claims the twin aims of bringing together scholars and students with an interest in computing and the ancient world, and disseminating advice and experience to the classics discipline at large. The Digital Classicist was founded in 2005 as a collaborative project based at King's College London and the University of Kentucky, with editors and advisors from the classics discipline at large.
Ronald Milne FRSE is a British librarian and administrator whose work has been particularly associated with the development of library research collections and with issues of digitisation of library materials. In 2006 he became a Fellow of The Royal Society of Edinburgh.
The UCD library, composed of five separate bodies, has varied ranges of digital and printed books on a wide range of topics. Namely architecture, arts and humanities, business studies, engineering, law, medicine, science, social sciences and veterinary medicine. In 2015 UCD Archives and the National Folklore Collection UCD came under the administrative umbrella of UCD Library. University College Dublin (UCD) is the Republic of Ireland's largest university. It is located in Dublin, capital of Ireland.
The Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library is a large-scale digital library project, hosted and maintained by the University of Alicante in Alicante, Spain. It comprises the largest open-access repository of digitised Spanish-language historical texts and literature from the Ibero-American world. When officially launched in 1999 the BVMC was the first digital archive of Spanish-language texts on the internet, initially reproducing some 2,000 individual works by 400 of the most significant authors in Spanish, Latin American literary and Hispanic Africa. By 2005–2006 the number of registered and available works had reached over 22,000.
Edinburgh University Library is one of the most important libraries of Scotland. It is located in Edinburgh. The University Library was moved in 1827 to William Playfair's Upper Library in the Old College building. The collections in Edinburgh University Old College were moved in 1967 to the purpose-built eight-storey Main Library building at George Square. Today, Edinburgh's university-wide library system holds over 3.8m books, e-books and e-journals in total.
Ariadne is a web magazine, 71 issues of which were published by UKOLN from January 1996 until the cessation of JISC funding to that organisation in July 2013. The Library of the University of Bath took over publishing until February 2015, producing two more issues. From March 2015, Loughborough University produces and hosts issues. An editorial board, consisting of librarians, practitioners and academics from several universities, as well as relevant subject specialists, procures and reviews content.
The JISC Digitisation Programme was a series of projects to digitise the cultural heritage and scholarly materials in universities, libraries, museums, archives and others cultural memory organisations in the United Kingdom, from 2004 to 2010 The programme was managed by the UK's Joint Information Systems Committee, the body that supports United Kingdom post-16 and higher education and research in support of learning, teaching, research and administration in the context of ICT.
The Integrated Archaeological Database system, or IADB for short, is an open-source web-based application designed to address the data management requirements throughout the lifespan of archaeological excavation projects, from initial excavation recording, through post-excavation analysis and research to eventual dissemination and archiving.
The International Association of Technological University Libraries (IATUL) was founded in Düsseldorf, Germany in May 1955, as an international forum for the exchange of ideas relevant to librarianship in technological universities throughout the world. IATUL is a voluntary international non-governmental organisation of a group of libraries, represented by their library directors or senior managers, who have responsibility for information services and resources management. The expanded name of IATUL was changed to the International Association of Scientific and Technological University Libraries at the 2009 General Assembly to reflect the broader range of institutions which now make up the membership of the association. In 2014, the name was changed to the International Association of University Libraries (IATUL), to include all university libraries.
University of Cape Town Libraries is the library system of the University of Cape Town (UCT) in Cape Town, South Africa.
Gdańsk University of Technology Library – is an academic and research library that holds the largest collection of technical literature in northern Poland. Gdańsk University of Technology Library was established in 1945. The Library collects books, journals and electronic publications that cover full range of disciplines represented at all nine faculties constituting the Gdańsk University of Technology. Each GUT faculty has its own branch library with a reading room.
EEVL: Edinburgh Engineering Virtual Library http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/services/elib/projects/eevl/
Breaks M, "EEVL (Edinburgh Engineering Virtual Library)." Proceedings of the IATUL Conferences. Paper 2. https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/iatul/1997/papers/2
MacLeod R "Around the Table – Engineering". March 1997, Ariadne Issue 8 http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue8/around-table/
Harrison NJ, MacLeod R. "Free Full-text E-journals and EEVL's Engineering E-journal Search Engine". April 2003, Ariadne Issue 35 http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue35/eevl/
Harrison NJ, "Gateway to engineering", Information Scotland, http://www.slainte.org.uk/publications/serials/infoscot/vol7%281%29/vol7%281%29article5.htm