An enemy is an individual or group that is seen as forcefully adverse or threatening.
Enemy or The Enemy may also refer to:
Plague or The Plague may refer to:
Mastermind, Master Mind or The Mastermind may refer to:
Deadline(s) or The Deadline(s) may refer to:
A ghost is a spirit of a dead person that may appear to the living.
Diving most often refers to:
Forgotten or The Forgotten may refer to:
Victim(s) or The Victim may refer to:
Warning or The Warning may refer to:
Bloodline most commonly refers to heredity.
Blood is a biological fluid found in animals.
Fear is an emotion that arises from the perception of danger.
Vendetta may refer to:
A knockout, in several sports, is a strike that renders an opponent unable to continue fighting.
Abandon, abandoned, or abandonment may refer to:
The Fallen may refer to:
A sacrifice is the practice of offering food, or the lives of animals or people to the gods, as an act of propitiation or worship.
Silence is the lack of audible sound.
A tourist is a person travelling for recreational, medical, leisure or business purposes.
A virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism.
A dictator is a ruler who does not rule through democratic means.